Chapter 5

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Zyras's pov

I was busy watching a music video on Youtube when suddenly the door to my roon was opened revealing the house maid "miss Zyra its time for dinner" she said she looks like she's in her 30's i lowered my phone to look at her "ok ill be down in just a minute i need to use the bathroom" she nodded and closed the door i went to my bathroom to pee then rushed downstairs, i didn't want to keep my brothers waiting.

When i reached the kitchen i spotted the man whom i call dad sitting already, when he saw me his eyes widened and immediately stood up from where his sitting and rushed to hug me. I was frozen in my spot he let me go then looked at me in the eyes
"I missed you my daughter" my father with clear sincerity in his eyes i nodded and smiled at him not knowing what to say i haven't had contact with him for 8 years "let's eat?" he invited me to sit next to him.

We ate in silence until dad broke it "so.. How is your mom doing?" he asked "she's doing good" i replied while continuing to eat, my brothers were quietly eating their meal "well that's good to hear..." he said "how about you?" he added, i started telling him how i was doing in school and told him about my friends, he listened to every single word i said 'he's a great listener' my brothers were listening in as well to learn a little bit about me, Finishing his food he turned to my brothers "i want you three to look after your sister cause ill be going on an emergency business trip across the country tomorrow" he added "oh great we're babysitters now" weston said with sarcasm dripping on every single word he just said. 'wow.. What got stuck up his butt this time?'

"weston" dad said in a warning tone,
Weston just ignored dad then left the kitchen, dad sighed while shaking his head."dont worry dad we'll take good care of our little sis while your away" liam said while smiling widely 'he's cheeks are gonna hurt if he keeps smiling like that' and Alistair just nodded. Dad turned to me "Princess i'll be gone for quite a while i just need to attend this business trip, but i'll be back as soon as i can then we can have a little bonding time" he said while smiling at me "ok" i replied still feeling a little bit shy around him and also my brothers.

After dinner i went back to my room to get ready for bed,it was 9 in the evening i laid in the soft bed then i decided to text stacy and my mom to let them know i arrived safely here in Sydney, after texting them i put my phone down and just stared on the ceiling and sighed i looked at the bedside table to only find a lamp, i turned the lamp on then got up to turn off the lights in the room then i sat in the bed 'at least they dont have alarm clocks here' i laid back down picked my phone up to check on my social medias.

After a few minutes of scrolling on my phone the door to my room opened i looked up to see my dad, liam, and Alistair "your still awake?" my dad asked while sitting down at my side, i sat up then nodded "aren't you tired from your trip?" liam added "umm not really" i shyly replied, my dad chuckled "you dont have to be shy around us princess" i blushed at the endearment he gave me, 'im not a princess though' "you are our princess zyra" my dad said to me 'why do i keep saying things out loud nowadays? Aish!' he chuckled then caressed and kissed my head,after they said their goodnights well except for weston who seems to be in a bad mood again, it felt good to have a father at your side for once, its mostly my mom who always kissed me goodnight before i go to sleep and im kinda used to it already.

Other teens my age would be looking for a father or asking their mother where they are, but for me im kinda used to not having a father figure to look up to, i understand that my mom and dad are sometimes not on good terms and may not get along all the time and may want some space, and im fine with that, im not one of those teens who would run away in the middle of the night to find my father or something like that.

Im content with what i have in life and thankful that even though both my parents aren't living in the same roof together i know that they both care for each other and they love us very much, not all children are lucky enough to have both parents to be by their side when they were growing up cause they were left in an orphanage, some may still have their parents but treat them less like a human being.

I sighed for the hundredth time today, my brain and body decided that its time for me to shut down and charge, i laid comfortably in the bed then felt my eyes slowly closing 'at least there wont be any alarms to disturb my peaceful sleep' i thought then darkness filled my sight, off i go to dreamland.

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