David Webster Imagine #1

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AN: As I continue to write these imagines, I am now realizing how many guys I left out. So I'm sorry!

TW: Mentions of puke and vomiting

    "Three miles up, three miles down," yelled Captain Sobel. I huffed and rolled my eyes. Of course, when it just had just rained and all us soon to be Paratroopers just got spaghetti in our bellies. I huffed and looked at Roe, my fellow medic, and gave him a look that we were in for a tough night in the next couple of hours. Thankfully, I didn't eat too much spaghetti. I had an odd feeling that the sneaky and asshole of a Captain would pull something like this. I mean, we usually have toast, sandwiches, or some slop kind of stuff. But, we have never had spaghetti before. It was the best meal we had in a while. Thus why all of us Paratroopers were packing it away.

  We headed to the barracks quickly, stripping off our uniforms into our PT gear. All of cursing, knowing that this run was going to surely suck. I just kept quiet and tied my shorts. "I hope you guys drank water today boys, I guarantee you that you are going to lose some fluids," I said as I jogged out of the building along side of Roe to get into PT formation. "You ready for this Roe?" I asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded. I returned the action and waited for everyone to get to the formation.

  The run was just as bad as everyone could think. It was humid from the rain, men couldn't hold down their lunches whilst Captain Sobel was screaming at us. Just another days work in Easy Company right? I was doing fine on the run, keeping a look at all the men around me as I ran, making sure none of them would drop. I was a decent runner, so the run wasn't effecting me all that harshly. Though, when Sobel ran up to me in the line, I kept my eyes forward and just focused on running. Not the words the Captain was about to say.

  "Come on Doc L/N, you know those German's will eat a little girl like you alive. Go on and quit now, save yourself the time of day. You are looking mighty tired," he yelled into my ear. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to open it because I know if I did, the words I would say will cause me to get kicked out of the Paratroopers. This must've just egged him on. He wanted me to react. He wanted to break me. "You aren't even close to being the first woman in the Paratroopers Y/N L/N, quit now and go be the stay at home wife you were meant to be," he hissed. I looked at him and just kept a smirk on my face. I looked back in front of me


   The run had finished, and now Roe and I were running around trying to help all these sickly Paratroopers. They had been puking up a storm and practically all were dehydrated. I had just set Joe Toye down on his bed, putting an IV into his hand, setting the bag of fluids up on a bed post. I sighed as I saw more of the men of Easy Company spill in, their faces pale as they heaved. I ran over, setting down Bill Gaurnere, Joe Leibgott, Floyd Talbert, placing buckets between their legs whilst placing IVs in their hands. Roe was busy emptying the buckets, the smell was awful. I sighed as I walked out trying to get a breath of fresh air.

   I heard someone's footsteps as I looked up. I smiled at the sight. Mr. David Webster. I stood up and looked at him. "Say, why aren't you in there puking up your guts?" I asked, my hand on my hip. He smiled at me, chuckling.

 "I don't like spaghetti," he simply stated and I nodded. I heard a call for my name and I sighed. I dropped my head as I went to walk back in. Webster followed closely on my heels. As soon as the smell hit him, I watched as he made a face. I laughed slightly as I had to put in George's IV in for the third time after he kept fiddling with it and it fell out. "Do you need help with anything?" he asked. I turned around and raised an eyebrow. He wanted to help. With a bunch of puking men. Okay then.

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