Preference #9

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How You Two Sleep

Winters: With him, I feel that he would be a very simple man when it comes to sleeping next you. He just likes sleeping nose to nose with you. Limbs entangled. He sometime wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmares and when he opens his eyes and just sees you laying there, he immediately calms down.

Nixon: Nixon tosses and turns a lot through the night and doesn't  exactly stay still. But, to fall asleep he would probably be big spoon. He likes to hold you throughout the night, it gives him a huge amount of comfort. Even though he shifts around during the course of the night, he always touching you somehow.

Speirs: This man is a cuddle MONSTER I tell you. He is always cuddling you, no matter what. On the couch, at dinner, any chance he gets, he will be cuddling you. And when its bedtime, this man is like an octopus. Any cuddle position, like a different one every night. He doesn't care, as long as he is holding you somehow and he knows you are safe with him, he is happy.

Lipton: Carwood is a very wholesome fellow and loves his girl more than anything. And cuddling is one of his favorite pastime. He usually sleeps on his back, with one of his arms outstretched so you can use it as a pillow. Having your head on his chest and hands wrapped around his torso. Legs intertwined. 

Luz: He will either be big spoon or small spoon. He enjoys both. And I feel like he would secretly like being little spoon the most but he won't admit it. But, he likes just being able to touch you and protect you, so he mostly sleeps as the big spoon.

Liebgott: You need to be the big spoon to this little angry Jewish baby or he won't sleep. You did it once and ever since then he always needs to sleep this way or he just won't sleep. He feels safe and protected this way. This poor baby needs protecting at all costs.

Hefferon: He likes the sweetheart's cradle. This way he is next to you, and knows you are safe. But, he can still move around  little bit. Its either that or he likes being little spoon. Protect the little ginger baby at all costs.

Toye: He doesn't really have any kind of named position. More like you two just kind of throw your limbs all over each other. And you are always tucked closely into Joe's body. 

Guarnere: As the manly man he is, he is the big spoon, or he likes wrapping his arms around you with your head and hands leaning into his chest. That way he knows he has you and you're safe.

Randleman: With his large build, he likes when you lay on top of him. Like, your head on his chest while his wrapped tightly around you. There he can hold you, run his hands through your hair and give you kisses on top of your head.

Martin: Johnny either sleeps in the honeymoon or he will sleep back to back with you.  Honeymoon position is what he mostly feels best with sleeping with. It makes him feel relaxed and safe. Back to back is only if he is a bad mood, or if he wakes from a nightmare. It is strange, but its his way of coping with certain things. Little grumpy baby.

Powers: Honeymoon position ever day. And sometimes he likes being little spoon every once in a while. He loves his girl more than anything, so when it comes to cuddling it shows. The Honeymoon position makes it so he can hold you nice and close, and he knows that your with him and that your real.

Roe: Big spoon all the way. He is a simple man he likes to hold his girl like the protective man he is. If he isn't in the big spoon position, this man cannot sleep. Hell, if you aren't there with him the poor boy cannot sleep. The boys of Easy one hundred percent tease him but he doesn't give a FUCK Keesha.

Muck: This man cannot sleep without your head on his chest or his arms around you. If he doesn't he wakes up panicking because you aren't there. So it is safe to say that neither you or him move around a lot when you sleep. 

Penkala: Just a mess. Like you two are all over the place. Limbs are thrown about, you are on top of him, or he is on top of you. Like literally you two tie yourselves in knots whilst you sleep.

Compton: Honeymoon position. This man has been through a lot and it shows. This position makes him feel at home and he knows your safe. So every night he cuddles up with you like this. If he doesn't, he has the worst nightmares for him. This means, every night you cuddle up with him in that position. Which you don't mind, you just want your man happy at all times.

Talbert: He will never admit it, but loves being the little spoon. He has been through a lot, and when he is the little spoon he feels protected and safe. But, if he isn't the little spoon, he enjoys just holding you in his arms. Any position where he holds you is what he would go with. This way he feels at home and that he isn't back in the war. Protect this baby at all costs and give him a damn chocolate bar.

Perconte: He, like Penkala, is a mess. He is just all over the place. Like you two are half way off the bed most of the times. But, either way, you two are touching in some way. Whether you two have hands locked together, or limbs sprawled across each other.

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