Joe Leibgott Imagine #5

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AN: Requested by @hannahroest. Enjoy! There is a few Trigger Warnings: Abuse, blood and beaten.

   One month.

   Twenty days.

   Thirteen hours.

   Forty Six minutes.

  Twenty Five seconds.

  This was how long Y/N L/N had been held by the Germans. A french ally to the Americans. Known for her work of stealing Intel from the German Military right under their noses. And known for killing many. The Germans knew her and they knew her good. She was a legend throughout the Americans and French. The fact that a woman managed to sneak beneath the Nazi government's noses and take their most sacred and secret information so easily. Without detection. The amount of leverage the one woman managed to get for the American's was astronomical. Killing Krauts when she could and when she needed. 

  Y/N thought the German's would never catch her. But, like anything smooth sailing, eventually hits a storm. And that is just what happened to the young, French woman.


  Her and her then escort had been driving down a road in a truck. The road seemed to be right in the middle of the woods. Just one long strip of dirt that seemed to drive on for forever. It had been fine, Y/N had just gotten ready for another job to sneak into a German military base to snag as much Intel that she could get without being detected. The truck she was in didn't even get close to the base when dozens of German soldiers jumps out of the think forests and circled the truck. Y/N and the driver didn't even get a chance to fight back. 

  An officer approached the truck and ordered  for the two to be pulled out of the truck and stood in front of him. "Wo ist dein Lager?" (Where is your camp?) The officer spoke, walking in front of the driver and Y/N. The driver was just a young member of the French Resistance. He couldn't have been more than twenty years old. Y/N didn't even know his name or where he was from. Y/N didn't look at the officer, she kept her mouth wired tightly shut as her focus remained in front of her. The Frenchman next to her began to weep. Begging, pleading for them to release him. "Ich frage noch einmal. Wo ist dein Lager?" (I ask again. Where is your camp.) The Nazi officer's voice much more stern, very threatening. Y/N kept her silence whilst the young man to her left kept crying. With them not answering his question, he pulled out his Luger off his waist and pressed it on the driver's forehead. Without any question nor remorse, he pulled the trigger. The shot rang off, causing Y/N to flinch and look to her side. The young driver's body hit the ground with a loud thump. Blood pouring down the bullet hole that was in the center of his head. Her jaw hung open as she looked up at the Nazi officer. Who looked at the limp body in front of him with an evil grin on his lips. He looked at her, stalking over to her in large, slow strides. "Ah, vermisse L/N. Es ist mir eine Ehre, Sie kennenzulernen! Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr über dich zu erfahren. Warum sagst du mir nicht, wo dein kleines Lager ist?" (Ah, miss L/N. It is an honor to meet you! I can't wait to get to know more about you. Now, why don't you tell me where your little camp is?)  His voice in a fake sweet ton as he grabbed her chin, the leather of his glove feeling rough against her skin. Tilting her chin up to force her to look at him. Her eyes filled with fire, her lips curled into an awful scowl. 

   "Fick dich, du Nazi-Stück Scheiße!" (Fuck you, you Nazi piece of shit!) Y/N cursed, her French accent slipped between her German. She then spit directly in the officer's face. Who of which pulled back with a sound of disgust. Wiping his face quickly, displaying a look of rage. He angrily approached the French woman once more, lifting his his hand that held the Luger and swigging her hand, hitting Y/N upside the head. Pistol whipping her. The concussion that came with the blow to the head caused the woman to black out. Falling onto the snow covered ground. The officer just laughed, looking up at the German soldiers surrounding the truck.

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