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Lumi paced her room

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Lumi paced her room.

In the time between the King's dismissal, she had been thinking. In the time she had been thinking, Lumi's thoughts grew heavier and heavier.

And she was angry.

It was one thing to dismiss her.

Lumi had grown used to the stares of disgust from those around her and words of mocking at her clothes and appearance.

She could understand that. People were ignorant. That was a fact that she had accepted in the short time she had been here at the palace.

But it was another thing to insult her culture.

She could have been the leader of that savage tribe if she had chosen it.

Lumi managed to convince herself that if it really came down to it, she could probably even beat the King in a sword fight - even though her grandfather's tribe didn't actually use swords and Lumi had never held one in her life.

All he did was sit! He just sat on that chair!

Did he actually go out and see his people? Did he really know their faces or names, what they looked like and how they acted. Did he know what they needed. Did the people even know what their King looked like?

He had just locked himself away in this ice fortress, alone with an abnormal amount of guards.

By the time Lumi was done with her thoughts, she was mad.

Really mad.

She looked out her door, confirming her suspicion when she saw two guards standing sentry at a door down the hall.


There was more than one way to yell at a King.

Later, Lumi would realize a bitter truth that she never really had admitted to herself- she was a creature that often acted before thinking things through.

She stared out her balcony, judging the distance and feeling her grin grow wider as a plan formed in her mind.

What better way to show the King up then by demonstrating just how much her grandfather had taught her?

Lumi stared at the small jutting edge that encircled the whole castle- a thing more for looks than actual use.

She judged the distance down and determined that if she were to fall, she would be able to do so with minimal damage.

Maybe just a broken arm or leg.

With that last thought in mind, Lumi slowly extended her leg out, landing lightly on the thin edge. She gripped her nails into the small outlines of the stones, using it as the only way to hold herself to the wall.

A feral grin of triumph surfaced to her face.

See? She wasn't a savage.

Slowly Lumi shuffled closer to the King's balcony, her excitement growing with each step.

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