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Elowen nervously stood outside, her fingers fidgeting with the sleeve of her dress as she glanced down the entranceway.

"Stop. You're starting to make me anxious," Theros said.

"This was not a good idea," Elowen murmured, "why did we listen to her? Who would listen and accept this idea?"

"You and your little letters caused this," he grumbled. Elowen shot a glare, causing Theros to become silent as they continued to wait.

She suddenly broke the quiet as she asked, "do you think Liron is doing alright?"

He sighed, "yes. If Josiah harms him then he'll have a war on his hands."

"It's not Josiah I'm worried about," Elowen murmured. They both looked at each other. Theros seemed to be holding back a smile as he said, "that is true..."

Before Elowen could say another word, the shout of the guards could be heard.

"He's here," she stopped fidgeting with her dress and stood up straight.

"I'm aware," Theros' dry voice responded back. Elowen didn't have time to argue with him. The dark carriage that approached came to a slow stop before them.

"Where is Willa?" she hissed suddenly.

"You just now noticed?"

Elowen let out an exasperated sound before a serene smile came over her face as she stepped forward to the opening carriage.

"Prince Kestrel...welcome..."

The male that stepped out of the carriage had Elowen blinking twice in surprise. She looked behind him, just to make sure this really was the prince.

She felt her cheeks heat up for some unknown reason and an irritated sound left Theros at the sight.

The male who stood before them calmly looked around, his golden eyes flickering to take it all in- the light color stood out greatly against his bronze skin as his gaze finally landed on the King and Queen.

"King Theros...Queen Elowen," he bowed gracefully and Elowen had a sudden image of the snowcats she saw who roamed the open lands.

Before Elowen could say anything, she was interrupted by a loud squeal.


To Elowen's horror, a body slammed into the prince. He did not step back from the force, but only blankly stared down while holding the girl who had attacked him.

"Willa," Elowen hissed in anger, "step back from Prince Kestrel and-,"

"I missed you," Willa attempted to wrap her arms around the prince, but the maneuver was somehow avoided as the male slipped past and stepped forward.

Theros was already glaring in anger at the male to Elowen's disbelief.

"Let me show you to your room," she said weakly, knowing already that these next three months of his stay would be exhausting.

*   *   *

Somehow, Lumi had convinced Elowen that a prince exchange (as she liked to call it) would be a good idea. They both would let their eldest sons go to their Kingdoms for three months to learn of the culture in each land. The women had been convinced that this would create good relations between the future rulers and strengthen their own leadership to see different perspectives.

Only a day in though and Elowen was already cursing Lumi and rubbing her forehead from the headache she had.

"You should know from experience now. I told you to never go with her plans, but you don't listen to me," Theros smugly said.

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