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Some people have asked me where the idea of the story originated from? Unlike with my other stories, I actually have a solid foundation for how the concept of 'When the Sun Fell' developed. 

To outline how this all started, we need to go back to the beginning and my little 13-year-old self who was into poetry. Now. Please note. I was not good at poetry (you can say otherwise, but I was an oddball. Very odd. I can't understand half of the poems I wrote at that time). I had a habit of writing these poems and then hiding them in random places BECAUSE (AND THIS IS VERY MORBID I WAS A MOODY CHILD), I had this wild fantasy that if I were to be in a tragic car accident or something, then my parents would find these poems hidden in my room and go "egad! Our child was a genius poet and we didn't even know! How did we never know about this talent!" and then they would be crying in my room while I smugly watched above going "ya, ya I'm brilliant."


Don't judge too harshly. That was just a phase. 

Buuutttttt, that caused me to later in the future find random poems everywhere. One day, I found one such poem - and it was the poem that created the idea for the story 'When the Sun Fell'

I have to note though, the poem is not the same as this story, and is VERY DIFFERENT. But it still inspired the idea, so I thought I would give you readers a glimpse into my 13-year-old mind. 

The Ice King and Summer Queen

The Ice King sat on his cold dark throne,

With his heart like a rock,

that shivered to the bone.

No one dared talk,

in fear of his icy glare,

the blizzard that commenced

with his blue ice eyes.

No one dared approach him,

until one day as a way to make peace,

The Summer King sent his daughter,

to keep the Ice King company.

For hours she sat,

shivering in silence,

but not a word she said.

No hush or whine of complaint.

In obedience she sat,

until at last she drew breath

from the king as he spoke saying

"are you not here to keep me company?"

She smiled and nodded - that was all that she did.

She did sing and dance,

and played often to the king,

and he watched her,

with his blue ice eyes,

but she did not shrink away,

she did not flinch from the chill.

Instead her smile that she would flash

would melt away,

until the King was a puddle

and his whole kingdom could see,

that this Ice King's heart, did have a beat.

Though it was stuttered at first,

and though it did not beat loud,

none the less his heart would quirk,

When the Sun Fell |✔|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ