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The True Source of a Woman's Power

Readers point of view

The man with teal eyes still held onto me tightly meanwhile the one with light blue eyes still had Ava his grasp.
It has been hours now.
All these guys have is argue.
"I didn't want two prisoners. Let's kill one of them and get this over with." The man with black eyes shouted. So far he's seemed to be a hot head. He gets easily annoyed and doesn't seem to have much respect, but for some reason everyone listens to him. As if he's their leader.
"Your majesty, I don't advise that course of action." One of the calmest of the group spoke next. He seems to be one of the only ones to be able to reason with the hot head. "Anyone will have a reaction like this. These are humans after all they aren't the same as us. This world is odd. The first human had magic and it was pure chance that we were able to catch her. This second human is also still unknown to us. For now I think we should try to calm the two of them. They could aid us and our mission." The calm man explained.
"How are we supposed to reason with them!?" The hot head shouted.

The calm one had let out a gentle sigh and looked over towards Ava and I.
"Leif try communicating with her. Just do not show your smile. We now know the cultural misunderstanding from before. Use that to your advantage."
"Got it." The one who held me gentle let me down and loosened his grip on me. "Hey, look at me. You don't need to be scared. We have no intentions on hurting you two, alright? All we want to do is talk." His voice had seemed soft and his eyes were calming to look into, but one nice sentence isn't enough to calm me down. He's held me up for hours now.
"Do you all think I'm stupid?" I snapped. "You broke into my apartment, have held my roommate and I against our will for hours, and have been talking about murdering my roommate or I right in front of us. We aren't stupid animals! We can hear and understand everything you've been saying. Drop dead I'm not saying anything. I'd rather die then be your hostage." I spat.
"See they aren't going to be of any help. Let's just kill them and get new humans." The hot head shouted again as the teal eyed man hardened his grip on my arms.
"You wanted a prisoner. Every human will have a similar reaction to these two. We just need to wait. Humans are fragile. They'll eventually stop and speak to us." The calm man reminded the hot head.

Three hours have past

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Three hours have past. They had been the ones to say that Ava and I were going to be "fragile" but so far it seems as if these guys are the ones who have gotten tired.

"Why is this day taking forever!?" The man holding me had groaned.
Ava's screams have been bugging these guys since she first started, and three hours later she's still screaming.
"I...cant..take it anymore!!! Make her stop!" The skittish man yelled hitting his head against the floor.
"Why can't we just kill her?" The hot head ask sheeting his anger through his teeth.

"Who's killing what?"

It was obvious that the men in the men in the room we're starting to get impatient.
The calm one had sighed and stood up before slowly walking over towards Ava.
"Let me try something..."
"You have an idea?" The hot head had asked.
I begin to panic a little. Scared that he had given up on his resolve to keep us both alive. However all he did was clap in Ava's face.
"Human! Stop."
All of a sudden Ava had stoped. The men seemed astonished.
"T-That worked!?" The skittish man asked in pure shock.
"Why didn't you try that sooner...?" The man holding me had asked.
"I hadn't thought pet commands would work." The calm one explained as he looked back towards Ava.
"Human please forgive our intrusion. We just want to speak with you, the both of you." He explained looking over towards me. "If we let you two move, will you stop screaming?"
The hot head leader looked over towards the man holding me and snapped his fingers. I heard quiet muttering that I wasn't able to hear well enough to understand what he had said.
The man had led me over to where Ava was and then the two of them let us go.
Ava had wide eyes as she slightly hid behind me before stammering out:

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