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Phone Call

Readers point of view

A loud ringing echoing throughout my room kept going off. My head felt groggy as I tried turning over to ignore the sound but nothing seemed to work. The echoing sound kept going until I finally gave up and sat up with a groan.
"Why the hell is my alarm going off this early?"
I asked myself reaching over for my phone to see the reasoning for this alarm was because it had been an old work alarm I forgot to turn off.
I sighed loudly and fell back into bed trying to go back to sleep.
My bad luck once again came to light as my body was wide awake not letting me sleep another wink.

Refusing to fully wake up for the day I decided to mindlessly scroll through my social media.
Logging into my old accounts a wave of nostalgia washed over me as I saw many old people from high-school in my feeds.
My friends back then we're pretty well known, they always took hours to take a singular picture so they'd look cute for all their followers. Back then I cared a bit more than I do now when it came to taking pictures. A good example of this was an old friend of mine named Lorelei. We met in our freshman year through a group project and from then we hung over fairly often.
Eventually she started dating her current boyfriend Steve and we began seeing each other less and less. His friend group wasn't really the type of people I got along with so we slowly stopped staying in touch.
Still it's nice seeing she's at least happy with her boyfriend and is seemingly in a healthy relationship still. Regardless if I agree or not with who she's dating as long as they're good for each other that's all that matters.

As I was looking through my old high school memories on my social media my phone began to ring. An Unknown Caller screen suddenly appeared. I waited a few seconds to see if it was the wrong number but eventually picked up the phone in case it was something important.
"Hello?" I asked bringing the phone up to my ear.
No one had answered but I knew someone was on the line as I could hear people talking in the background and audible breathing coming through the phone.
"Hello?" I asked a second time and yet again I got silence.
"If you're not gonna say anything I'm just gonna hang up and block this number." I say as I slowly pulled the phone away from my ear before I heard a quiet woman's voice speak up.

The voice on the other end seems oddly familiar?

"Hello...again. May I ask who's speaking?" I questioned as the voice on the other end let out a shaky sigh.
"Y/n...I know we haven't talked for a couple years, but have you really forgotten me?" The woman's voice asked.
Once she said that I realized who was on the other end of this phone call.
Someone I've distanced myself from years ago and switched my number multiple times to get away from.
"Y/n- listen I know it's been awhile. I wish I could've called sooner but-"
"Why did you call me in the first place?" I questioned coldly.
"I know you probably don't want to speak with me-" her voice had gotten more raspy than it was the last time I saw her.
"Cut it out mom. What do you want? I told you last time I saw you I wanted nothing to do with you anymore." I said harshly as I bite my lip.
"I don't want much from you- I-I just want to see you. I want to talk to you. It's hard not speaking to my own daughter for years." She stammered.
"It wasn't hard for you when I was a child. So why is it hard now?" I asked.
"I realized I messed up in the past. I want to make things better between us. Please I just want to see you. I heard from your grandmother that you live downtown in an apartment." She told me.
"She shouldn't have told you."
"Please. I just want to see you. I live nearby. Tonight I'm going to the Central Park. If you can find it in your heart to see me at least once then please come meet me. I really need you." My mom requested as she quickly hung up not letting me get another word in.

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