A kiss

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Hi I know these are extremely annoying at the start of each part please forgive me I just wanted to really update you guys on why I haven't been updating, it's mainly because of school it's very stressful and I've had almost no free time at all but I promise I'll try my best so please stay patient with me! Also thanks so much for 16k like what? The? Heck? Anyways that's it enjoy your long awaited part!!

Readers POV

Right now me, Ava and Lorelei are picking out what movie to watch.

Honestly I don't care what one we watch, so I'm not really putting any effort into picking one out simple 'sure that sounds good' now and again.

I more worried about how the Daemos are gonna react to the movies. Really they're supposed to be quiet and they can't be quiet from my experiences with them.

I look over towards them all, they all look kinda stupid right now.

"Yn do you remember the movies in high school?" Ava asked me

"Uh what? Sorry I was spacing out again" I give an awkward laugh

"They got new seats now so you won't be uncomfortable!" Lorelei smiled

Oh they're talking about the movies where Lorelei and her boyfriend at the time kept making out

"Lorelei do you remember what happened during the movie?" I asked

"Huh? Uh I-" Lorelei stutters

"Of course you don't remember you were to busy making out with your then boyfriend" Ava said

I nod along with Ava as Lorelei tries to give us an excuse.

This conversation is getting no where's Lorelei obviously doesn't understand what we're trying to say.

God I know I thought this was a good idea before but I'm rethinking that now.

Me and Ava walk away from Lorelei and walk over towards the boys.

They're still confused as to what the movies is and I don't blame them

"A movie is like a book but your watching it instead of reading it, if that makes sense" I scratch my back of my head looking away.

I don't need them looking at me like I'm an idiot

"R-Really!" Rhys looks at me I swear you could see the stars in his eyes

"I mean its the best way I could describe it to you guys" I say

"It's like your watching people act out a story on screen" Ava said

"A real story?" Asch asked

"No no no! NOT a real story a made up one, I want to make one thing abundantly clear what's happening on the screen isn't really happening! It's totally safe and not real it can't hurt you or us!" I say waving my hands

"Wow! It sounds so cool!" Noi laughed

Ah good old innocent Noi

"What m o v I e are we going to see?" Rhys asked

"Well I mean it's up to you guys" Ava said

"We get to pick?" Asch asked

"Ah actually no I get to pick hahaha" Ava stutters out

Liz pokes my arm and points towards Lorelei I look over and see that she isn't moving anymore?

"Uh Lorelei?" I asked

No answer

"A-Ava can you help me? Lorelei isn't moving anymore." I say

Suddenly Lorelei tells us that us girls should go use the bathroom and pulls us away.

"Lorelei what the heck was that for?" I asked

"Don't you girls have to use the bathroom?" She asked

"No I don't think so!" Liz said all innocently

Then Lorelei goes over to the tap and turns on the water

"Ugh now I have to" I say And walk into the restroom stall.

Once we finish up we all buy popcorn and snacks for the movie.

But somethings a little off. The boys are acting kinda strange like normal humans?

I look at the boys, they just seem like they're trying to impress us right now- THATS not totally normal it's like they got advice from Lorelei or something-

Ava groans after Lorelei tells us we're watching a lovely Dovie kissing movie and I just follow behind Ava.

Once we get into the movies Asch and Leif start to fight about who gets to sit beside Ava

"You know there are two seats beside her right?" I say as they both sit down I'm beside Leif and Lorelei while Liz is over by Noi.

The movie starts off and it goes terribly, the Daemos couldn't keep quiet and we eventually got kicked out.

We all walked home and me and Ava apologized to Lorelei about the Daemos

"How about we try to hang out next week?" Lorelei asked

"Next year got it okay bye!" Ava said shutting the door in her face

"Pfft- Ava you could've been nicer you know" I said

"I could've but I didn't want to go in the first place and those boys just saved us so I'm glad!" She smiled

We walked over to the Daemos and Ava thanked them.

They were obviously confused then Ava went onto explain why she didn't want to go in the first place and I have to agree she made some pretty good points.

"W-What about the kiss?" Noi asked

"Huh?" Me and Ava are obviously confused so Rhys explains

"Lorelei had spoken to us about a kiss at the movies and how it meant a date"

"Oh that Lorelei likes to make stuff up" Ava said

"Ignore the kiss let's talk about the marriage!" Asch said

I felt a sting in my chest once he said that, I want to crawl into my blanket right now and hide I don't want to listen to this.


"I demand that-" Ava cuts Asch off by kissing all the Daemos on the cheek.

She runs into her room and hides after that leaving the boys speechless.

While I feel dizzy somewhat I looked over to Liz who also looks a little broken almost.

I go into my room and start to think.

I always feel so sad when Ava makes a move on them I've been trying to deny my feelings but I hate this feeling. It's like a stab to my heart every time she makes them blush or what not, I've been telling myself I don't like them but I think. I do.

Ugh what the hell am I supposed to do!?! I fell in love with hot demon boys! Out of everything human in this world I had to fall for out of work creatures?

Hi so update! I got some time off my homework today because it's my birthday! So here you go honestly I kinda suck at writing the drama lol if you can even call it that so like yeah things are gonna go up and down but soon enough the readers life will be happy promise!
Word count: 1142

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