7 | harvest moon

71 9 9

When we were strangers

I watched you from afar

When we were lovers

I loved you with all my heart


'I was just... going, you know,' I pointed to the door with my other hand, the one he wasn't holding.

He pulled me up so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed. 'No, no. You aren't going anywhere,' he said, his features pinched. I averted my gaze from his face because if I didn't, I would end up laughing and that would not be very helpful in me getting out of this situation.

I dropped the razor and it fell on his lap. He looked down at it and an appalling expression crossed his face. I didn't think it had registered yet just what we were doing.

'No,' he whispered and jumped from the bed. He left the room in a hurry.

A scoff-snort left my lips. Well, that was easy.

I stood up to make my way out too when I heard loud swearing. It made me pause in the hallway.

Wade came thundering out of what I supposed to be the bathroom and halted in front of me. A scowl marred his face and he gritted his teeth.

He had washed off the remaining shaving cream and now only half of his right eyebrow remained.

I snickered.

'Oh, you think this is funny,' he said through clenched teeth.

'No. Not at all,' I shook my head. He waited for me to continue, his expression not changing. He knew what I was going to say.

'It's hilarious!' I burst out laughing.

'Haha,' he said, his eyes narrowed at my laughing form.

'You don't look so bad. But maybe let me finish the job. The half-eyebrow is clashing with the symmetry of your face,' I waved a hand at his face, pressing my lips together.

'I'll show you how to finish the job,' he muttered and pushed past me back into the room. I turned and watched his fast retreating form. It was too late when I realized what he planned to do.

He came out of the room and stood a few feet from me, his feet shoulder length apart. In one hand he held the razor and the other, the shaving cream.

'No,' I murmured and took a step back.

He smirked taking a step forward.

I held my palms in front of me as if that would stop him from attacking. 'Wade, listen to me,' I said slowly while surreptitiously taking small steps back. Only if I could make it to the end of the hallway.

'I ain't listenin' to nothing,' he spoke, efficiently copying the way Jared usually talked. 'You took your revenge, now I'll take mine.'

My jaw dropped. 'I didn't even do anything!' I argued.

He rolled his eyes and pointed to his forehead. 'What's this then? I fell in my sleep and scraped off my eyebrow,' he retorted.

'Half,' I said.

'What?' he furrowed his eyebrow and a half.

'Scraped off half your eyebrow,' I pointed to his forehead.

'And that makes it better?' he took another step forward.

I was a bit scared now because he looked determined. He was really going to shave off my eyebrows. Where were your so-called friends when you needed them?

All Falls Down حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن