10 | habits of my heart

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Oh, the habits of my heart

I can't say no

It's ripping me apart

You get too close

You make it hard to let you go


It didn't take long for my parents to find out about my car seeing as they got a call from my school. And boy, was my mom mad.

'I'm going to call his father,' Mom announced.

'You do that,' Dad said, ever the supportive husband.

I shot a look at him. He ignored it, focusing on the steak on his plate.

Jesse was busy smearing dinner all over his clothes.

I set my cutlery down and took a deep breath, preparing to explain. 'Mom, that's not necessary. He was just retaliating. I started it.' It caused me immense pain to say those words, but it was better than my mom making a big deal out of it.

'What do you mean?' she asked.

'I shaved off his eyebrow,' I mumbled.

'Huh?' Dad asked. 'Don't talk to your food, sweetie.'

Mom and I both shot him a look. He raised his hands, still holding a knife and a fork.

'Well,' I started again, speaking louder this time. I might as well get it over with. 'I did him bodily harm so he did my car bodily harm. Though, my car was definitely the true victim here,' I said.

'What bodily harm?' my mom asked very calmly. I was sure one of her eyes was twitching too.

Someone nudged my foot under the table and I glanced down. Dad was holding out his palm for a secretive low five. I slapped one on his palm. Very quietly.

I bowed my head to hide my smile.

'Cara?' Mom prodded.

'It's not serious. I just shaved off his eyebrow,' I said. 'Half his eyebrow,' I corrected myself.

'That's it?' Dad asked. He sounded disappointed.

'Andrew, don't encourage her,' Mom chided.

'But baby, the car is definitely the victim here. You can't equate a shaved eyebrow to damaging her precious Camaro,' Dad said. I nodded in agreement. Watching us, Jesse also started nodding.

Mom sighed. 'Cara, why did you shave his eyebrow?'

I bit my lip. What was I supposed to say? That I dumped him then got jealous over him going out with someone else? I was so pathetic.

'Half,' I muttered when it became clear that I couldn't advertise my pettiness to my parents.

'Huh?' Mom blinked.

'It was half an eyebrow,' I clarified.

Mom rolled her eyes. 'Revenge is not the answer, baby. I know you guys broke up, but resorting to bringing each other down is not right. We didn't raise you this way,' she said. I pouted. At that moment Jesse dropped his plastic fork. Mom leaned down to pick it up. When she wasn't looking, Dad mouthed, 'You did well.' It made me feel less pathetic.

'Also, I'm so calling his dad. That was an expensive car,' she said. 'And your dad is right. Shaving an eyebrow does not equate damaging a car.'

'I know right? That guy is far too concerned about his looks,' Dad said.

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