05. promise

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BUCK SWINGS THE DOOR open for me and disappears before I even step fully inside

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BUCK SWINGS THE DOOR open for me and disappears before I even step fully inside.

The room is clouded with cigarette smoke, and over at the bar some girls keep glancing over at me. I'm not sure I've ever seen em in my life, but they sure seem to know something about me.

A real greasy lookin' guy hands me a drink, and I just hold it, not knowing what else to do. I don't want a beer, I just want to find my brother.. and maybe a goddamn cigarette.

"Gloria." I look up from staring at the bottle to see a shirtless Dally wading towards me through the red haze.

"Man, I thought you might show up," he says. Dally takes the beer from my hand, takes a sip, and passes it on to someone else.

"I'm looking for Johnny," I say, trying hard to be heard over the jukebox.

"Jesus," he says. "You're shaking." Dally takes my hand and pulls me through the crowd towards the stairs.

The girls at the bar give me a dirty look, but I'm too overwhelmed by everything to care.

"Dal, I said I'm looking for Johnny!" I repeat as the noise becomes muffled and Dally continues to pull me along.

"I know."

We reach the landing on the second floor, and I yank my hand from his grip.

"Do you know where he is?"


Dally guides me into a small room at the end of the hall, with a small bed in the corner, and a dresser.

No Johnny or Ponyboy to be seen.

"Dal, where are they?" I ask, turning to look at him as he shuts the door.

"They're safe."

"What!? Where? What does that mean? What happened–"

"–Hey, hey, hey, sit down, alright? They're okay, I'll let you know what happened if you just sit down, okay?"

Dally gestures to the bed and reluctantly, I sit.

"Tell me."

Dally drops a blanket over my shoulders, but I throw it off, still shivering.

"Tell me."

Dally sighs. He pulls up a chair and sits on it facing the bed.

"Man.. you're not gonna like this," he says.

"Dally, please."

"Johnny and Pony got into some trouble–"

My face pales.

"–Oh God–"

"–Don't freak out–"

"–They got jumped, didn't they? Oh my god–"

𝑭𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒌 | d. winstonWhere stories live. Discover now