𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

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uhh i want these to happen to me ☹︎
♪i found my home in your arms- lofi playlist

y/n~ your name

n/n~ (your) nick name

c/n~ crush's name

b/f/n~ best friend's name

s/n~ sibling's name (I used 'he' but you can change the pronoun)


I honestly feel like crying, I really do.

I'd had the shittiest day today and all I wanted to do was to curl up in bed and just forget about everything.

I picked up my phone to see 20 missed calls and over 100 unopened messages from B/F/N. I smiled sadly to myself and threw my phone onto the floor. It was nice that she really cared about me that much but I wasn't in the mood to talk to her, not yet anyway.

The house was silent which made me feel even more upset and alone. My parents had both gone out to dinner and S/N was out with his friends. 

"If I feel this sad and alone and want company, then why am I not answering B/F/N?" I thought to myself as I held my blanket tighter around my body. 

I heard my phone go off again and I sighed.

"B/F/N just please stop trying, you're wasting your time." I muttered as I switched my phone on and immediately dropped it onto the floor.

My hands still shaking, I picked my phone back up to see C/N's name still on the screen.

'hey Y/N u ok? B/F/N said u weren't answering ur texts'

"He never texts me?" I thought as I quickly replied.

'yeah im fine dw. B/F/N is just overreacting haha'

Within a minute he responded.

'she said it's not normal for u. do u want me to come over?'

I gasped. No way did he just ask me that he wants to come over. He doesn't even know where I live!

As if on cue C/N sent another message.

'B/F/N sent me the address. im already on my way. see u soon'

"B/F/N that sneaky bitch." I thought as I frantically sent him messages telling him that 'it was fine' and that 'he didn't have to come over' but he didn't respond.

"He must be driving dammit!" I shouted in my head. I was a mess right now. I couldn't let C/N see me like this!

My phone dinged again and I picked it up to see it was from B/F/N.

'if ur not gonna talk to me you'll talk to him. i know u will Y/N'

I sighed and pulled my hood over my head. This just had to be the time when B/F/N did something like this.

I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard a knock at the door. A pause. And then another two knocks.

"That must be C/N."

𝖼𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗁 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now