𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾

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request from cockerpug2729
♪sparkle- your name (my favourite anime film my gosh- ☹︎)

y/n~ your name ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

c/n~ crush's name

Italics are what happened in the past not C/N's specific memories


Who was she again?

It's been 3 years but she still plagues my thoughts.

Why can't I remember?

I'm on the rooftop. It's the place where I first saw her and the place where I last saw her. The view is beautiful tonight. The moon is shining brightly in the sky which is full of stars. The lights from the city nearby are all on so I can still see the outlines of the tall buildings outlined in the sky.

That girl. She used to say how much she wanted to go there. To the city. How much she wanted to climb to the top of every single one of those buildings and look down at the city from different points of view.

How can I remember that and not her?

For fucks sake what is her name?

"C/N I'm leaving."

The once warm breeze suddenly turned cold. The once bright moon shining in the sky turned hazy. I could feel her gaze on me. I didn't want to look back at her.

"You can't."

Why am I crying? Someone tell me why I'm crying.

"I don't have a choice. I don't want to stay here anymore. There's nothing in this town for me. I want to go to the city and have a life there. A proper life. You understand don't you C/N?"

No I don't understand. There's a city right here. What's wrong with that one? Why do you insist on going so far away? What have I done?

"What about me? Am I not worth staying here?"

I'm shaking. I could fall off this roof any second if I wanted to. I could die. Should I die?

"Then come with me. We can still be together C/N. You want that...don't you?"

Yes. YES.


Y/N I want to be with you- I-

"I thought-C/N I thought you would understand. I thought-

Is she crying? Am I crying? Are we both crying?

"Y/N I love you. I'm sorry. Please-"

When did I turn to face her? My hands are on both of her shoulders begging her to stay. Is it working? I can't tell. Her face is like a mask. She's unreadable.

"Goodbye C/N."

She stands up. No. NO.

"Y/N I'll never forget you! I will find you. I promise."

She didn't say a word. Her hair flew across her face. I couldn't see her. With one last glance she turned away and left me. Alone on the top of the roof. My hand still outstretched.

My hand is outstretched in front of me. It's pointing towards the road. Down at nothing.

I feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks but I don't bother to wipe them away. I don't know why I'm crying. This is the first time I've cried in 3 years.

Is she still thinking about me? I'm still thinking about her. Does she remember my name? I don't remember her's.

I've tried searching for her before. Aimlessly wondering through the city. I don't even know what city she went to. I never asked. I just know that I'll know it's her when I see her. I just know it.

It's late. I have to wake up early tomorrow. I'm tired but I don't want to go to bed. This has plagued me for some time. The feeling that I'm waiting for something or someone. That if I go to sleep I might just miss it.

I bring my hand back in. Why was it outstretched in the first place? I must be going insane. Everyone around me says I'm different. That I've been different since she left. Have I? I can't tell.

My phone rings. Nobody calls me anymore. I pick it up. It's an unknown number. I let it ring and ring until it stops altogether. It's not important. Nothing is anymore.

There's someone on the street. A woman. She's walking down the road holding her phone in her hand. It's illuminating her face in its harsh light.

I stand up and start running back down from the rooftop. I fumble with my keys to unlock the front door. I'm now sprinting out of my front garden and onto the road. Why am I doing this? I already know the answer.

The woman spins around and looks at me. She drops her phone and kneels to pick it up again.

"It's you."

I can barely get the words out. New tears are rolling down my cheeks. I still don't bother to wipe them away.

"It's you."

Her bottom lip is trembling. She takes a tentative step towards me and brushes a hand across my cheek. My hand lifts up and grabs onto it. This feels so familiar.

"I forgot about you until yesterday. I found your number. I never had the heart to delete it. I didn't bother saving your name but- I knew that I would know it's you if I ever saw you. I had no way of knowing where you were. I aimlessly hopped onto train onto train in the hope that fate would bring me to you. Then I found myself here in this ordinary town. There was nothing special about it. Until-"

I put my finger onto her lips. I didn't need to hear another word. I didn't need any explanation from her.

"I just need to know one thing."

We both started to speak at the same time. Did she read my mind? Did I read hers?

"What is your name?"


~peachy x

(967 words)

(Edited 28/06/20)

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