𝗌𝖼𝗋𝗎𝗇𝖼𝗁𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗌

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because of tiktok i have an unhealthy obsession with cat emojis 😹
request for Jdxhvc
♪are you bored yet?- the wallows 

y/n~ your name

n/n~ (your) nickname

b/f/n~ best friend's name

c/n~ crush's name

c/l/n~ crush's last name

c/b/f/n~ crush's best friend's name


The bell had just rung signalling the end of the school day. I had already stood up and packed my things but I kept on glancing in the direction of C/N, who was joking around with his friends.

We had been assigned a project on mountains for Geography and to my delight, I had been paired up with ~the one and only~ C/L/N C/N.

a/n~ i call him that to my friends all the time cause his first name and surname make sense the other way around as well haha

"You coming Y/N?" B/F/N called from the other side of the room. 

I hesitantly looked from her direction to his. I did tell B/F/N that I would be going to the park with her today but I really did want to get at least half of this project done. 

"Umm do you mind if we do it tomorrow?" I asked. I felt kind of guilty but I was sure she would understand especially since me and C/N are also very good friends.

"Seriously Y/N we-" her eyes lit up in realisation and she grinned at me, coyly twirling a piece of hair around her finger. "-don't worry about it! Have fun~"

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to where C/N's friends were just beginning to leave. C/B/F/N held out his hand and we high-fived as they were walking past, all of them giving me various nods of acknowledgement.

"Oh hey N/N!" C/N smiled and gave me his usual greeting, that being a little pat on the head. It always made me blush out of embarrassment but yet I never said anything against it.

"Do you wanna work on the project right now? Cause y'know we're working together and all that."

"Oh yeah sure! I might have been about to ask you that too- 'great minds think alike right?' " he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, the few people left in the classroom turning to him and rolling their eyes with a smile.

"Wow no matter what you say or do, no matter how weird it is, everyone still seems to like you." I remarked as he lifted his hand in farewell to them in his usual laid back manner.

"In all honesty I don't know." he shrugged as we left our form room and headed for one of the many 'hand out zones' to start our project. "It's always been like that you know? I'm surprised no one's annoyed at it yet."

"Annoying my ass." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear.

C/N chuckled and flicked the side of my forehead just as we entered the room, throwing down our bags and settling down on the many beanbags scattered around.

"If you don't shut up we won't be able to concentrate, dumbass."

I laughed it off and started fiddling with the scrunchie on my wrist but as I did, I couldn't help but to wonder if B/F/N was actually right in me liking him. 


I yawned and blearily rubbed my eyes, switching my phone on to see it was just past 7pm. We had done all of the research and had just started the powerpoint but I was in desperate need of a break.

"Do you maybe wanna stop for today?" C/N asked, sensing that I was far too unbothered to continue. He was already standing up and kicking his beanbag back into its corner, preparing to leave.

"Yep." I replied, standing up myself and stretching. C/N was glancing at me weirdly before grinning and running off, his bag trailing behind him.

"C'mon you're meant to follow me!" He said, his head poking out from behind the wall. 

I sighed and followed suit, doors being swung open and shut rather forcefully in front of me as I barely managed to keep up. We had reached the back of the school and C/N finally turned back around to face me, beckoning for me to come join.

"Is this good?" he asked, slightly out of breath. His hands were resting loosely on his hips as we both gazed at the the beginnings of a sunset, right outside the bleachers (a/n~ wtf are bleachers called in british schools) overlooking the field. 

"I... yeah it is." I smiled up at him and quickly ran ahead to sit down right at the very top, a privilege our year wasn't able to get just yet.

"I told you!" he playfully nudged my shoulder but all of a sudden fell silent. The peacefulness of the empty field created a nice atmosphere which made for a pretty comfortable silence. "Hey Y/N, can I tell you something?"

I looked up in surprise for C/N wasn't one to be serious but judging by the look on his face, he was. He was pulling off and putting back on the wristband that he always had on his wrist, his nose scrunched up as if in thought. 

"I'm just gonna come out and say it ok? I maybe might like you but I mean I don't actually know..." he trailed off and put his head in his hands. 

I was pretty much in shock and didn't know what to say. The 'oh so confident' C/N was here all flustered and kind of confessing his feelings for me.

"Oh! Well maybe this 'dumbass'  kinda likes you too..." I replied equally as flustered to my annoyance.

C/N shot up and looked at me with wide eyes, his face slowly morphing into a grin.

"Really? Wait I thought you were joking. N/N this is-" He quickly pulled his wristband off of his wrist and then pulled off my scrunchie.

"What are you- doing...?" I wondered as his wristband was plopped onto my lap.

"I want you to wear it idiot." he said laughing and casually putting an arm around me. "So you have something of mine always on you and I can have..." he held up his hand with my scrunchie on "... this hair tie thing."

I rolled my eyes and and flicked his wristband back to him only for C/N to take my hand and put it on himself. 

"Wear it ok." He said in a somewhat serious tone though he was grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and we sat there for a while, the sky getting steadily darker, C/N's arm still tightly around my shoulders. 

"And by the way it's a scrunchie not a 'hair tie thing'.


there shall be a part 2 as the requestee has requested one :)

following liablueheart i have decided to do my own fun facts at the end of every chapter *yay*
-my favourite word is 'idiot' and yes i call everyone that it isn't personal trust me

~peachy x 

(1168 words)

(edited 31/07/20)

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