A Target

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It's been a almost a year. A year since the he let the Cloud-nin escape. Naruto didn't regret it at all. He wanted some excitement. Something that bandit camps can't give him. The Akatuski has perished.

Well... almost. That cinnamon roll mask that's named: Tobi, is still alive and kicking. Orochimaru got absorbed by Sasuki. Itachi got killed by Sasuki a month or two ago.

Pein was also killed by Sasuki. Konoha basically did all the work and eliminated the Akatsuki. Naruto... well, he was sitting back and training while they were getting injured in the frontlines.

Currently, Naruto was out buying food from nearby town. The town was nameless and was not even featured on the Elemental Nations map.

So, this was a pretty good place to buy necessities without getting tracked easily. Naruto walked down the town. He got many stares and people backed away.

They think I'm dangerous. They technically weren't wrong and he was dangerous. But he meant no harm. That is if they don't harm him as well. Pftt! Who was he kidding. No one in the town could defeat him. You may think this is just pure arrogance.

But it's just facts.

His prowess in battle is almost on par with a Kage. Maybe the same level. But the only way to test it out is to actually fight a Kage.

Fortunately, the strongest Kage of the nations probably hates him and is after his head. Yes. The Raikage is the strongest Kage at the moment. He heard that he has gathered 1 of the 5. But, that was old news. Naruto has only found this shit out recently.

Luckily, he can only use 1 of the 5 because of his intent to use them.Naruto walked pass the edge of the town and was now heading towards his cave. As he walked, he gained a small smirk.

Looks like he really hates my guts if he's sending in 5 jonin-level ninjas to their deaths. They were behind him, hiding in the tree. Naruto's eyes flashed into his sharingan.

They can't see it... yet. Naruto yawned and stretched his hands out. He continued walking as he said. "I'll finish you 5 in record time." Naruto disappeared in a flicker of flames. The 6 widened their eyes as they tried to look for Naruto.

"They're all dead." The genjutsu that was established was undetected, and it got them to death's doors. The last jonin scurried away like an academy student.

Are they really jonin? Naruto thought as he pinned the jonin with his katana. Naruto crouched down to his level. "Who sent you after me?" The Cloud-nin tried to break free from the katana.

"You can try to struggle as much as you want." Naruto took out a kunai from his holster and in a blink of an eye, the kunai was inches away from the person's eyes.

"I'll ask again. Who sent you after me." Naruto said with not much patience. "F-fine! I-I'll tell you. It was L-Lord Raikage! H-he sent us! There's a-a camp full of n-ninjas a m-mile from to the east!" The Cloud-nin was begging for mercy.

"Thanks for your answer." Naruto brought his kunai down to his throat in a matter of seconds and sliced his neck cleanly. The eyes slowly started to lose their life force.

Naruto stood up from his crouching position, a grin never leaving his face. Naruto wiped the blood from his katana.

Let the massacre begin.


"When's the attack?" A Cloud-nin asked as he got a bottle of booze. Laughing could be heard throughout the camp. "In a few days, so don't drink too much!" They all laughed as they did a collective of cheers with their drinks.

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