Before the Storm

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Naruto winced in pain once more. He was carrying both Sasuki and Neji inside two separate scrolls that Naruto had kept just for emergencies.

Naruto was lucky. He had managed to make a get-away and with the 10 to 20 seconds he had when the smoke covered the whole area. Luckily, he managed to also throw off the sense of direction of the Holy Blade that Enryu wielded.

How you may ask? It's because he was Uzumaki Naruto — the greatest ninja alive.

But, he was barely able to keep them off his trail. The other 2 passed out during his battle with Enryu. So, that was a good thing for him — to him anyway.

Even when I got consumed by the rage, my power still paled in comparison to Enryu. This says quite a lot from both their sides. Naruto clenched his fasts as he made his way across the waters.

It has been an hour or two and he had just past by the Diamyo Palace of the Water Country. Naruto didn't have the time stitch up or bandage the wounds he had gotten from the battle.

There's one on my back. A huge gash on my torso. And~ the Kyuubi once again didn't want to heal me. Naruto thought as touched his wounds and made a pained hissing noise.

Naruto had guessed that the Kyuubi didn't like how Minato got Naruto to resist his influence and tear the seal open. He was just so close to ripping it open and releasing the Kyuubi.

I guess I'll make a stop here. Naruto thought as he sighed and sat down on a nearby tree. He winced in pain as his injured back touched the bark of the wood.

Yeah. . . that was not a good idea at all. Naruto thought but continued to do it anyway. He pulled out 2 scrolls and placed it on the ground that was right next to him.

2 puffs of smoke appeared and clouded bit of the area around him. The smoke cleared away and showed both Sasuki and Neji relatively fine to an extent.

Naruto gritted his teeth.

I could have almost killed them. What's wrong with me? I lost control like the countless other times that I lost control. I'm a monster. . . monster. . . monster. Naruto's psychological state as of right now has been absolutely torn.

Not only did Enryu break so many pieces, the Kyuubi broke the rest of the remaining pieces that were still intact. He acts so arrogant in front of people who are much stronger than himself.

Why? Is because of my Uchiha genes? Human nature? Or is it just my way of living? Naruto touched a patch of skin that was peeled off. He didn't react to the pain at all. He was consumed in his thoughts. He let go and looked at his finger.

Blood. Naruto flicked the blood away. It landed on the ground just a few feet away from where Naruto was currently sitting at. Naruto ruffled his own hair as he kept on thinking.

How can I stop hatred when I can't even stop myself from falling into it? Naruto thought as he brought his knees up to his chin. His thoughts continued to roam around his head.

I have regretted so many decisions. Haha. Naruto thought to himself as both of his hands touched the dirt ground. Naruto looked at the two others that laid on the ground. It pained him to see them like this.

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