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"What the hell is the Mountain Country?!" Naruto asked completely oblivious on what the Mountain Country. And it also seemed like he wasn't the only one oblivious.

"Yeah, what the hell is the Mountain Country?" Sasuki jumped in also and asked the same question. Naruto looked right at her questionably. "You just repeated what I said!" Naruto huffed in annoyance.

"Just shut your trap and stop being so damn trivial." Sasuki ordered Naruto. He just sent a glare straight towards her way. "How about you shut up!" Naruto glared right at her.

"Make me, idiot." Naruto clenched his fists as he heard what she just told him. The two were acting like absolute children in an 18 year-old body. They soon stopped their bickering.

"You two finally stopped yapping." Yoshio said with a sigh. Naruto and Sasuki just huffed in annoyance. God, they were so weird when they interacted.

"Where is the country located?" Asked Neji as he ignored the other 2 when they bickered. Yoshio grinned at him. "Glad someone is sane in the group." Yoshio got 2 glares in return.

"Just answer his damn question." Naruto continued to glare daggers towards Yoshio. He just grinned at them. Yoshio sure knew how to aggravate the two of them.

"I was getting to it. No need for you to make me rush it." Yoshio just held up his hand towards him. "Anyway, like what I was going to say until 2 people decided to interrupt me." This was directed towards Naruto and Sasuki.

"The Holy Blade: 'Vanquisher' — It resides in the Mountain Country or the Land of Mountains. As the name suggests, the land has mountains all over the area." Yoshio told them.

"You didn't answer the question, idiot." Naruto stuck his tongue out towards Yoshio. Now, who's the idiot now? Surely it couldn't be Naruto anymore. "The Mountain Country is east to the Water Country." Their eyes bulged out of their eye-sockets.

"You can't be serious!" Naruto said with dread laced in his voice. "That's like miles away from Konoha!" If they had to go on this mission — which they do — they'd be on their feet for hours or maybe even days.

"Oh, I am serious." Yoshio responded. "Hey! Why can't you do this task yourself?!" Naruto wanted to cry himself to sleep for having to go to the Mountain Country. "It's because i'm tool lazy. Since I'm lazy, I'm using you lazy teenagers to do the task." Naruto and Sasuki wanted to rip off his head off.

What a Nara! Naruto thought in anger. "Where exactly is the Holy Blade located in the Mountain Country?" Asked Sasuki with an irritated tone. Yoshio looked at her.

"Ahh. . . the Holy Blade actually resides on top of the tallest mountain there. At the top of the mountain is where you can find the Holy Blade." Responded Yoshio. Neji gained a curious question.

"How does the mountain look like?" Asked Neji. He didn't like the very vague and weak explanation that Sato Yoshio had provided to the 3 of them. "You'll know what the mountain looks like just by seeing it." Naruto groaned.

"You're so goddamn vague about it. How about you try and explain a bit better, will you?" Naruto told Yoshio in a very annoyed tone. Did Naruto ever mention that Yoshio easily grinds Naruto's gears?

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