Chapter 5

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Harry dragged Ron and Hermione to a secluded corner as soon as they reached the common room. "So what do you think? Of the new kids?"

Hermione frowned. "I can't believe they know Draco. It all seems rather unlikely doesn't it? The ministry interferes in Hogwarts, and suddenly there are two new students who consider Draco a brother, and Draco is now feeding us information? Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that we knew and weren't completely shocked. I just think it's suspicious, that's all."

Ron nodded. "Nico trusts him, and he and Will seem like decent blokes. I know Malfoy's a git, and I'll punch him the second he turns on us, but seems like a bloody good idea to have someone who can feed us that kind of information."

Hermione raised her eyebrow. "And when did you become a tactical genius, Ronald?"

Ron blushed. "I spoke to Nico and Will, is all. After you guys left to get changed. Nico swears that he trusts him."

Harry nodded slowly. "I just don't understand why they're a bit weird. Did you notice how they kept stuttering over things? I could've sworn Nico was going to call Draco 'his' son, instead of his father's."

"I noticed that too." Hermione commented. "And what was that thing he's going to get sorted for Draco so that he doesn't have to live with Lucius and Narcissa?"

Ron roller his eyes. "Why don't we just ask them about it? Either they'll tell us, and we'll have an answer, or they won't, and we can do some digging. Either way, I'm shattered."

Harry looked at him. "I guess. We'll talk about it more in the morning?"

They both nodded, and Ron stood up. "Right then, I'm going to bed. It's probably the only good night I'm gonna get knowing you two."


Nico shadowtravelled them both to just outside Dumbledore's office just before breakfast. One of his newest abilities, thanks to his gifts from Hades, was to lock onto a soul signature, and use that to guide his travelling instead of just locations. Just as they appeared out of the shadows, Dumbledore emerged. "Mr Solace? Mr Di Angelo?"

They nodded, and after a moment of glancing at each other, Will stepped forwards, still in his real age. "Sir, we were wondering if Mr Malfoy might have free access to our dorm, and some way to get there at night without getting into trouble. See, he's like a son to us, and it'd be really comforting, considering our circumstances, if we could see him more than just in class? We'd usually IM at least once a week, but that seems a bit pointless given we're in the same building." Dumbledore nodded after a second's consideration.

"Let Mr Malfoy know that the Grindylow portrait in his dormitory shall open to a passage to your common room, should he give it the password rhubarb and custard. Have a good day, gentlemen." Will beamed.

"Thank you, sir."


Nico and Will were barely on time for breakfast, and when they got there, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were waiting for them. "Did you all sleep well?" Will asked brightly, grabbing cereal.

"We've got some questions." Ron said bluntly, ignoring Will's question. He nodded for Hermione to take over. "Some of the things you've said just don't add up. You seemed to want to refer to Draco as 'your' son, not your fathers, and you said you were going to sort out a way for Draco to not have to live with his parents, and, and-"

Nico cut her off. "We'll explain everything tonight, okay? In private. After dinner, you and Draco can come to our dorm, and we'll explain everything. I swear it." Will nodded slowly. "We just have to contact our school and see what we can tell you. The Statute of Secrecy is really heavily enforced in America, and there are some things the ministry over there like to keep even from other magical communities."

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