Chapter 6

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"How did you do that?" Ron asked quickly, "I've never seen magic like that."

Will sighed and adjusted Nico in his lap. "It's a long story. And you have to swear that you won't tell anyone. Not because we don't want the attention or anything, but because every person that knows is a potential weakness that could lead to this school's endangerment. Understood?"

The trio nodded slowly. "We promise." Hermione said after a moment.

Will scrubbed a hand over his face. "Right. Technically this starts in 1932. That's when Neeks here was born."

"What?" Harry sat up sharply. "But you look fifteen."

Hermione cocked her head. "Is it a glamour?"

Nico waved his hand. "Kind of? There's a lot of weird shit going on. I was born in 1932, in Italy. Then, because of the war we moved to America. Then my mama was killed by my uncle in attempt to kill me and my sister. Then my dad stuck us in this hotel where you don't age. Here's where it gets weird." He sighed dramatically and leant against Will. "Never mind, we're gonna start somewhere else. What do you know about the Greek and Roman Gods?"

Hermione frowned. "Zeus, Poseidon, that kind of thing?" Will and Nico nodded. "Yeah. Well. They exist."

After a full five minutes of the trio yelling about how they couldn't possibly, Draco yawned and stood up. "Guys. Wizards literally point wooden sticks at things, and they can do just about anything. Why couldn't gods and goddesses exist?"

They paused, and Nico nodded his thanks to Draco. "Right. So we're the children of the gods. Demigods. We're kind of from the future though?" He winced. "Basically, we fought in the second Titan war when I was eleven or twelve, and the second Giant War when we were fourteen. And this all happens in about ten years. It's a lot weird. So I'm twenty, Will is twenty one, Draco is thirteen."

More goddamn yelling. They gave them a minute to calm down. "Right. So we thought that Draco was going to a school in America in our time, but I guess Hecate got one of her kids to take him here to keep an eye on you. But since he's an awkward disaster." He glared at Draco. "We got sent here officially to speed this whole war thing up because Hecate loses a lot of people in the war. Right. Any questions?" Will rolled his eyes as all three of them started talking. "One at a time?"

"Who're your parents?" Hermione asked immediately. "And can you prove any of it?"

They nodded. "I'm a son of Apollo." Will replied. "That's why Nico's hand glowed and healed when I kissed it. I'm a healer."

"I'm the son of Hades." Nico waved lazily and the shadows in the room started moving.

Draco smiled awkwardly and jumped into the air, and stayed there. "I'm a son of Zeus."

The three watched in awe for a moment. "How come you guys have magic?"

Draco answered first. "My mum is a witch. Lucius's second cousin or something. I started going to Salem with one of Hecate's daughters, but then I lightly electrocuted something so Lou brought me here. I didn't really know it was the past because tech doesn't work with magic anyways."

"Draco you fucking electrocuted something?" Nico and Will sat up properly.

"Wait wait wait." Ron looked between them. "Are you Draco's parents? Because you keep saying he's like a son to your dad, Nico, but you've got very strong dad vibes going on here."

"This is a bit weird too." Nico sighed and slumped back against Will. "Right. So..." Ron glared at him and he nodded. "So we found him after the Giant War. He was nine and crying over his dead best friend. I'm a sucker for kids losing people they love, and Will is just a sucker. We started looking after him because his brother and sister aren't around our place much, and he grew on us." He smiled fondly at Draco. "Like fungus. So we're gonna adopt him and stuff because demigods don't tend to live for very long, and we want him to have a proper family whilst everyone's alive."

"Plus." Will added. "Since Nico's the most favourite son of Hades ever, when he dies he'll become a god of the underworld. Any legal family he has when he does that's been ratified by Hades will also join the underworld council when they die. Which is why we're," he motioned between him and Nico. "Getting married, and why we're adopting Draco."

"You're engaged? Okay if you're actually older can we see? This is quite weird when you look our age." Hermione asked cautiously. Harry shook his head. "Wait before that, one second. You're all destined to become gods?"

Nico whined dramatically. "Yeah pretty much. I'll be the god of ghosts, I think. Will will probably be something to do with healing but I don't know. We have no idea what Draco will be because he isn't fully realised in his powers. He'll specialise at some point. For example his sister can fully control lightning, but his brother can fly and cause storms. They can both do what the other can do, but not as well. Some of Will's siblings are the incredible musicians and archers, and some can control light, and my half sister can control gems and the earth."  Harry nodded slowly. "Thanks, I think?"

They both stood up, pressing their tattoos, and growing back to their real ages. "Nico's still a midget." Will teased, much to Nico's chagrin.

The trio's jaws had all dropped, although Draco looked a bit relieved. "Thank the Gods," he murmured, then held his hands up defensively when Hermione and Ron looked at him funny. "Imagine if your parents suddenly looked only two years older than you." He challenged. "Sure they're not loads older than me normally, but thirteen to twenty is a bit different to thirteen to fifteen, okay?"

They relaxed, until Hermione looked at Nico and Will sharply. "Did you two say you'd fought in two wars?!" She asked shrilly.

Will nodded. "Yeah. We're not going into detail though. We lost a lot of people and this chat here has been draining enough."

Nico shifted until he was fully curled up in Will's lap. "Look, the long and short of it is, gods exist, time travel exists, we're involved with both, there was a couple wars because the gods are assholes and so are their parents and grandparents," he paused as thunder rumbled loudly. "Hecate made you guys, she doesn't want you all to die, hence we're here. Does that make any sense?"

Ron shook his head. "Not in the slightest made, but we're used to things that don't make sense. You seem cool enough, and Draco being a dramatic thirteen year old makes far too much sense, so we'll go with it."

Hermione and Harry nodded. "We might have more questions." Hermione warned. Nico shrugged. "I don't think you'll ever be able to ask more questions than I did when I found out. Just as long as they're not tonight, and you don't tell anyone. Now shoo." He motioned for them to leave.

"Oh, wait, Harry." Will called out as they left. "Gimme your hand." Harry held his left hand out tentatively. "Please don't kiss it." He joked. "I don't fancy my chances against Nico."

Will laughed. "Don't worry I wasn't planning on it." He pressed two fingers against the words, and as with Nico, they started glowing, and the cuts vanished. "Right, go. I don't think you wanna be here for what's about to happen." He winked and laughed as the four of them scrambled to leave.

Nico looked up at Will. "Even Percy explained it better than we did." He complained. "Stupid Hecate not giving us a script."

Will chucked and kissed his forehead. "Percy didn't have to explain time travel, two wars, or a son. I'd say we did okay considering. Besides eventually Hermione will've asked so many questions that she'll get it and then she can explain it for us."

"Thank fuck we didn't get three Harry's." Nico murmured sleepily. "Can you imagine trying to explain this to three people who don't even notice the extreme homoerotic tension with their rival? Impossible."

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