Chapter 10

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As they progressed towards Christmas, the wizards slowly began to complete a whole DA session without someone needing to see a Will for over exertion or dehydration, and soon they were having regular duels, whether magical or physical.  They'd discovered the Room of Requirement sometime  around October, after Harry and Nico had gotten thoroughly pissed at Umbridge, and the six had decided to host their last session for the term there.

Nico had been grinning evilly to himself for the whole week since the last session, when he'd cryptically warned everyone that the next week would be the hardest session so far.

Even Will looked a bit maniacal as they made their way to the fifth floor, and the pair of them kept making eye contact and laughing darkly.

When they arrived at the hallway, Nico stepped forward. "I need the room to look a very certain way, so I gotta be the one to ask for it okay?" Harry and Hermione glanced at each other in confusion, but nodded slowly.

They watched him pace until the door appeared, and everyone's jaw, even Will's, dropped instantly as they stepped inside. Nico had managed to ask for a full parkour gym, with foam matting everywhere and the occasional trampoline.

"Nico.." Draco kept looking between the room and Nico. "Nico you're actually going to kill them. You'll have reduced the Hogwarts population by about a fifth. They're going to die."

"Eh they'll be fine." He waved a hand. "Most of this is here so I can have some fun once everyone is gone. We're just gonna work on some basic balance and stuff."

"Hold up." Harry held a hand up. "Are you seriously saying this is your idea of fun? Show us then." He raised an eyebrow challengingly.

Will groaned and face palmed as Nico ran off to get changed. "Harry we've talked about this. If Nico says he has a weird skill like having conversational fluency in six languages and complete fluency in three, what do we do?" He crossed his arms, looking for all the world like a stern mother.

Harry ducked his head sheepishly. "We assume he's telling the truth because he can travel to any country by running into a wall and grew up bilingual therefore it makes sense that he speaks a bunch of languages." He recited dutifully.

Will nodded. "Good. So if Nico says he can do parkour, what do we do?"

"We assume he can do parkour because he fights monsters to survive and therefore has likely picked up some skills about running away from things."  Harry muttered.

"There we go." Will ruffled Harry's hair fondly as Nico came out of the changing area in loose basketball shorts and a tank top, hair tied back as he'd let it grow out since arriving at Hogwarts.

"Right kiddos." He announced, as if the whole DA was there. "Here's how we parkour." He started running the course, doing random flipped and shit as he went along. The DA began to file in, all looking as shocked as the others had when they first saw it. 

At least five people separately approached Will and Hermione to confirm that they wouldn't have to do that before Nico finished and jogged back over.

"Okay." Harry started. "Today we're just gonna do a quick run through of everything we've taught you so far, and then we're going to hand you over to Nico so he can thoroughly torture you." Nico waved cheerily. "So we're going to gather in a circle." He motioned for everyone to do so, and once they were ready, he conjured one of the training dummies.

"This is going to come at each and every one of you, but with no specific order or pattern. When it starts to roll towards you, I want you to defend yourself. Any curse, jinx, hex, whatever you can think of."

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