Chapter 16

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If you'd told Harry three hours ago that he was going to get to sit, in a protective bubble formed by Dumbledore, watching one of the most powerful wizards alive facing possibly the most powerful being on earth, he would've brought popcorn, because this was the most incredible thing he'd ever seen.

Once Will had managed to stop Nico just outright insulting and taunting Voldemort, he'd told Nico that he wouldn't marry him if he were dead so he better goddamn win, then made his way over to sit with the rest of them.

"Hey," Ron whispered. "Why aren't you fighting as well?"

Will smiled indulgently. "Nico and his two cousins are not only the three most powerful people I've ever met asides their fathers, they're also the three best swordsmen. If I joined in I'd just be in the way."

"Are we ever going to meet these mysterious cousins?" Hermione asked, keeping an eye on where Voldemort and Nico were circling each other.

"Sure if you want." Will shrugged. "You'd have to come forward into the future with us, but Hades and Hecate have promised to find a way to let you all do it. There's Jason, that's the son of Jupiter, he's Nico's best friend, they're super rich, and Percy, the son of Poseidon, who's kind of like an older brother to Nico. They've had their issues, but they're close."

"Shhh." Harry muttered, watching in awe as Nico finally stopped toying with Voldemort and unsheathed the sword from his father. It sucked light out of the room, and even Dumbledore was watching it wearily.

Voldemort simply laughed. "You think you can defeat me with something as muggle and infantile as a sword?"

The shadows started crawling up Nico's legs. "Right, well. I'm assuming you think your second was pretty powerful right? Bellatrix or whatever? Because my fiancé fucking snapped her neck, the hottest thing ever by the way, you're getting in the way of his victory blowjob, which didn't even involve a sword just his hands and now she's dead as shit so I don't know where you're coming from."

Voldemort snarled. "I will kill you and then your fiancé, and then every single wizard that you've chosen to involve in your life. I'll do it slowly, meticulously, and I'll enjoy every second of it. I will avenge Bellatrix."

Nico laughed sharply. It was brittle and dangerous, nothing like the full belly laughs that Harry was used to. "You've caused me and mine so much trouble, Tom, and you're not even a part of my world. There is a patch waiting for you in Punishment, the torture designed specifically by me, my father, and my uncle. Not least because of the damage here, but simply because of the amount of paperwork you've caused us. Do you understand what that means?"

Voldemort had gone white, eyes bright red. He shot a spell at Nico, but Nico simply absorbed it with his sword like before. "You can't"

"It means that despite not being some tricky demigod upstart like my cousins, despite not being significant in any way to anybody asides these wizards, you've managed to piss off the Lord of the Dead, his second, Death personified, and his son, me. You've annoyed us so much, that we sat around the living room table, and planned exactly what we wanted to do to you. You should be grateful. Never has another mortal gotten so much attention." Cracks started appearing in the stone, radiating out from Nico's feet, and Harry half expected fire or skeletons to emerge, seeing as that's what had happened last time Nico had been this angry.

The colour had started to leech from Voldemort's skin, and Harry couldn't tell if it was because the guy was terrified of Nico, which was fully understandable, the guy had a crown of obsidian resting on his brow, and Harry was sure he could make out a silhouette of wings in his shadow, or if it was something Nico was doing - tapping at his life force. Out of the cracks, plants started to spring forth, belladonna wrapping around Voldemort's ankle, heather eating up any sparks of magic that fell to the floor greedily.

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