The Institution episode 3

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On the thirteenth day of November 2018, Ivie woke up with plans to go to the institution to see the activities there. She wondered if they've redesigned the building too.
She took her bathe then combed her hair looking at how bad they were. It looked as those the frontal of her hair had been feed to rats in prison.

Mrs Momoh walked into Ivie touching the hair. The texture overdue undergrowth was appalling, if she wanted to be honest. Her hair had naturally turned into a virgin hair. 

"It's bad right?"

"Where are you going to all dressed up?" Her mother ignored her question, "Um.... I want to check out somethings at the institution then I'll go to the bank . It's been a while since I used the account"

"Are you sure you want to go?"

"To the bank? Yes"

"Not the bank, the institution"


"Well I don't think it's a good idea"

"Why?" Ivie folded her hands, she immediately switched from being excited to being worried.

"Shade said the same; is there anything I should be worried about?"
"Nothing. Oh nothing Ivie dear, it's just that you can't go looking like that. Your hair is messy and besides I noticed your clothes might not size you any longer and I was actually hoping we'll go shopping today"

"We can do that later. I'm trying to get my life back. Maybe I should cut the hair off" Ivie switched to the previous topic which made her mother sigh in relief. Knowing fully well who her Ivie was, she thought she was going to dwell on why she didn't want her going to the institution. 

Ivie will definitely be heart broken!

"You can use a wig. I have a lot of wigs to spare, let me help you with a weave and then you're good to go" she volunteered and Ivie chuckled.

"I hope I look good in them"


"They sure look good on you than they do on me" Her mother commented after placing the wig on her hair.

"You look like your former self, except now you need lipsticks"
"I don't"

"Your lips are all cracked," "Mom I have to go." She kissed Mrs Momoh on the cheek.

"You may not be familiar with the road anymore, let Captain drive you around"

"I'll exercise my legs besides Captain is old already. Why did you guys still keep him?" Ivie complained.
"It's not in my nature to do such Ivie, I've asked him to retire severally but he still wants to earn more money for his family"

"Tell him his retirement will come with pension, I don't mind if I have to pay him myself"

"I have but you know that old man is as stubborn as a horse!"

"I'll exercise my legs and take a taxi"
"You have to be very careful of these thugs that works around the road these days"

"I'll show them that I've been to prison and they haven't" she answered. Mrs Momoh was forced to laugh.

"Bye Mom"

"I have a spare phone at home, at Least take it so I can know where you are"

"I'll be fine"

"Bye dear" she added and I've walked back in. "I need transport fare"
Mrs Momoh went back into her room then came out with some money giving it to her. "Isn't this too much?"
"In case you get stranded"

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