The institution episode 10

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The Institution - Episode 10


Liam and Ivie still glued to each other for about two minutes more.
"I think it's clear now" he announced and Ivie faced him.
"The securities are definitely...." He paused, "Uh looking for the shooter"
"Of course" she answered rising up then he cleared his throat.
By now, everyone present at the party came outside and Mrs Momoh rushed towards Ivie. "What happened?" She asked, "Someone tried shooting at me but he missed" she answered and Mrs Momoh hugged her.
"Thank God you're okay!" She sighed then she looked at Liam.
"Are you okay, is he okay?"
"I'm fine Ma"
"Ki lo sele? (What happened?)" Mrs Oscar asked and Liam gave a half smile . "Someone shot a gun" he answered in English.
"At you?" She asked, "I don't know" Liam answered, he had his own suspicion too, maybe it was Samuel's goons telling him to shut the hell up or perhaps it was just a gun shot directed at Ivie.
Mrs Oscar suddenly turned to Ivie, "Ivie momoh" she called out and Ivie turned towards her surprised to hear the woman say her name.
"Ivie meet my mom, Mrs Paulina Oscar" "it's nice meeting you Ma'am but I'm a bit shaken by this" she shuddered, Ivie felt cold then Liam took off his suit giving it to her and she wore it.
"I'm sorry Ivie dear" she patted Ivie's back then she slowly walked towards Liam.
"Ja lo (Let's go)" She demanded to and but he disagreed. He didn't see any reason why he should leave yet without finding out from the security guard whether or not the shooter was caught.
"Mom I'm fine"
"It's not about being fine" she said in spoke in English, "Ja lo" she repeated scared for her son's life.
Mrs Momoh stopped one of the security personnel who was on a call.
"Have you found the shooter?" "No. I think he escaped"
"Escaped?" Ivie scoffed.
"Escape my ass, have you asked the security outside?"
"They saw the shooter leave"
"How is that possible? Under your very own nose" Ivie asked, "They're humans Ivie" her mom answered and she rolled her eyes.
"What if the person was an assassin sent to kill everyone in the party, was that how they were going to by pass security?" She scoffed again.
"Something's not right" she added and Mrs Momoh tapped her. "Ivie stop"
"Something's not right mom! Someone definitely sent the shooter to kill me." She stated and everyone started whispering.

She walked up to Mrs Humphrey, "With all due respect Ma, was this party strictly by invitation?" She asked and she nodded. "Yes it was"
"So definitely a shooter wouldn't have penetrated except this was done by one of the guest" she answered and everyone argued.
"Or the security guards themselves"
"I can assure you that none of the guards were responsible for this. How can we? I was positioned with my partner over there" the chief guard answered and Ivie scoffed.
"And you didn't see any shooter. It doesn't add up"
"Ma'am, I don't owe you any explanation"
"Ivie" Mrs Momoh called out and Ivie shut her eyes in thought then she remembered the servers that were staring strangely at him.
Then she gazed at Efe, "Okay I didn't send anyone to shoot you" "Maybe your friends did" I added.
"That's ridiculous Aunty Ivie" Ese chipped in and Mrs Momoh held Ivie's hands.
"Can we do this at home?" She asked and Ivie could see shame in her eyes so she bent her head down in disappointment.
"Everyone can go around their business, we'll have this sorted out" Mrs Momoh announced and then the crowd went back in.
"Ivie" she called out again and then Ivie walked towards Liam. "Can you take me home? I'll give you an address if you"
"It's fine. I know where you live" Liam answered leading her outside into his car and she busted into tears then she took off the blazer.
"I'm sorry" he apologized and she shut her eyes.
"I really don't want to talk" she snapped and he nodded in understanding.
Ivie was so sure she saw shame in her mother's eyes and she felt awful about it. Why will her own mother be ashamed of her or has she always been ashamed of her whenever she tries to claim her right?

Before Ivie slept, she kept on thinking about all that had happened; like when Liam said "Shhh" to her, and he obviously knew where she lived so there was a possibility that he could be the one sending those letters.
Maybe meeting him at the bank wasn't a coincidence but how would he have known she was going to the bank?
There has to be a mole. But no one knew about her going to the bank except her Mom? Ivie scratched her hair as tried to piece things together.
"Okay think Ivie, think" she sighed.
She wallowed in her thought till she fell asleep on the floor.

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