The institution episode 34

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The institution episode 34


15th April, 2011

Eghosa and nine activist raised banners up with "We won't stand for injustice" "Give Ivie Momoh fair trial" "Release Ivie Momoh" and they kept on chanting;

🎶We no go gree oh, we no go gree, We no gree oh, we no go gree🎶

"What's going on?" Warden Rose who heard the chant asked and another female Warden hissed.
"It's that woman nah, Ivie Momoh that they brought in days ago, they're clamouring for her release"

"They are still outside" the Deputy Superintendent of Prison,  Haruna Suleman informed the governor on phone.
His chin rested on his palm, "I don't know what to do Sir, it's not a violent protest"

"Don't worry yourself, they will soon get what deserve. Here's the plan, one of those people will be shot who will be witnesses. That one will be our leverage. As for the rest,  we'll send in fake policemen, they'll get them out of the place. Leave the rest to us"
"Yes Sir"

24th of January, 2019

11:50 pm

Ivie could barely sleep at night. She was restless thought about her birthday, if anyone was going to remember or not.

At 12:00 am, it was already 25th, Ivie smiled looking at the ceiling.
"Happy birthday Ivie" she muttered to herself.
Shade called almost immediately.
"Happy birthday dear!" she exclaimed and Ivie hesitated, she expected Liam to be the first to call in. 
After seconds of keeping mute, she snapped out of the disappointment.
"Hey dear, you don't sound thrilled"
"Of course I am, I wasn't expecting your call. I was expecting..." "A call from William, ouch. I should just get angry, hang up and do as if I don't care right now"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way"
"I understand. I was just kidding anyway. Why aren't you with him?"
"Mom wanted us to celebrate the court victory" "Ehya, when you two should have been having victory humps"  Shade commented and Ivie chuckled.
"You're not serious! I guessed maybe she had like a birthday surprise for me"
"Maybe. Happy birthday once again dear"
"Thank you." She smiled, "I'm so excited about the day, I don't even know what to expect"
"It's going to be a good day of love, joy and happiness, just forget about all the craziness. Forget about the list, forget about Samuel, forget about Babylon, forget about the election and many happy returns of this day girl. I wish all the good things in life"
"George and the kids wanna speak to you too"
"They're not asleep?"
"They kept watch"
"I was beginning to wonder why you used the word hump instead of sex"
"It's on loud speaker" Shade revealed and Ivie shut her eyes.

After the call, Ivie waited for other calls to troop in, Getrude and Ralph called in but apart from them, there was no other. When she got tired of waiting she slept off.
Ivie took her bathe, got out of her room then she bumped into Mutey who hung his school bag across his shoulder.
"Good morning Big sis" he greeted and she smiled expecting a happy birthday wish afterwards.

"Hey Tee-A"  She gazed at him but he said nothing. "You're..." She cleared her throat., "You're up early"
"I have an exam by 8"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked and he shook his head. "No. Everything I need is in my bag" he answered leaving and she gave a disappointing pout.
"Oh shoot" he shut his eyes turning towards her.
"I forgot" he moved closer to her and she smiled.
"I mean I thought you forgot and I was really"
"I forgot to give you a kiss on your cheek. Bye Sis" he kissed her on her cheek before going off to school.

She walked down to the sitting room with her phone so she doesn't miss any call.  Uki was seated on a three seater and Ese stood by him, trying to rack her brains through the definition of a term.
He was asking Ese questions from her textbooks.
"You skipped a part in the definition" he noted and she rolled her eyes.
"Oh screw it! With the whole craziness we've been through, do you know how long it took to put it all in my head?" She snapped and Ivie chuckled.
"Good morning guys" she greeted and they both turned towards her.
"Good morning Ma"
"Good morning Sis" Uki and Ese answered respectively.
"I suppose you both have exams too"
"No" they both answered.
"When are you having your final exam Uki?" She asked and he smiled.
"On Tuesday"
"Let me get the water ready then"
"Oh Jesus" he covered his face and Ese laughed.
"I already promised him two bags of water already" she answered sitting close to him.
Ivie chuckled waiting for birthday wishes. "What's today's date? I mean? Is it 25th already?"
"Yes it is" Ese answered and Uki looked at Ese.
"That reminds me, oh God I can't believe I forgot"
"I can forgive you for it too" Ivie folded her hands and Ese smiled slapping her forehead.
"I have to meet with my examination officer today" Ese she turned towards Uki and Ivie shook her head leaving the sitting room. 

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