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Ava Anderson


"Don't Worry, Mike, you'll do great. I trust you." I motivated him.

"Thank you for believing in me, Ava. Its first time I have got such a big project. I will do my best."

"You sure will." I gave him my best smile.

"Let's go." He nodded and followed me in the car.

Well currently, Mike & I are heading to Knight's Corp. for model presentation. I just hope everything goes well.

When we reached there, once again I was greeted by Daniel, who then lead us to the conference room.

"Mr. Knight will be here, shortly."

"Thank you Daniel." I spoke but before he could reply Mr. Knight came in.

"Good morning Mr.Knight."

"Good morning Ava. I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name."

"Not at all sir.
Please meet Mr. Mike Wilson, head of this project and one of our best." They shook hands and then exchanged few words when once again door opened and in came, the one and only....Zach Knight. He looked at everyone, then at me.

To say he was handsome would be an understatement. He was one of the most handsome man, I have ever seen with his sea blue eyes, golden brown hairs and an attractive personality. I was so stunned by his presence that I forgot that we were here for a meeting, I came back to my senses only when he spoke, "I am sorry I was caught up in a meeting." He was still looking more like glaring at me.

"Oh ! It's alright Mr.Knight. I understand." I stated softly while he was clenching & unclenching his hands continuously as if trying to control his anger. He is certainly mad, who's about to die ? A thought came in my mind.

Without wasting any more time, we all immediately began the meeting.


"I actually like it. What do you think son ?" Mr.Knight asked looking at Zach Knight.

"It's pretty nice. I like it." He replied, his body was still tensed.

Mike and I exchanged a smile and thanked The Knights.

"Meeting's a success, I'd really like to stop and celebrate. However I have another meeting, so excuse me." Zach Knight excused himself. While rest of us celebrated with two glass of champagne and a mocktail for me.

After our little celebration we were about to leave when Mr Knight's voice stopped me.

"Ava." I turned around.

"Yes, Mr.Knight ?"

"Dear, I just have to talk to you about something, alone." He stated looking at Mike.

"Ofcourse sir." I replied and asked Mike to wait for me in the car. He nodded and left.

"What happened Mr.Knight ?" I asked him softly.

Without uttering anything further, he turned around to face the busy streets of NYC.

"Ava, you are a very sweet, independent, strong willed, loving and caring girl."

"Uhm...Thank you sir." I voiced,  confusion lacing in my words.

"I know, I confused you.
So coming straight to the point. I have a proposal for you."

"What..what proposal sir ?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"I want you to marry my son." He stated putting his hands in his pockets while I stood there dumbfounded as those words left his mouth.

He must be kidding.

I searched his face for any signs of sarcasm or joke but his face was all serious.

"Ava..Ava..dear." Mr.Knight's voice brought me back to reality.

"Yeah..yeah...You're joking, right sir ? I must say, you got me here."

"Does it look like as if I am joking ?"

"No." I whispered. "but why do you want me to marry your son ?"

He sighed heavily.

"My son is the best child any parent could ask for. He is a hard and smart worker but when it comes to relationships–" He walked towards me. "–as in romantic relationships he isn't that good, and you see I am turning old and want to spend rest of my time freely with my lovely wife, and that can happen only when Zach takes over the company. However, on the other hand, I won't ever do that until he gets married with a woman, that is perfect for him, can live upto his reputation and understand him.
And I think that perfect woman is you."

All this while, I was just staring at him trying to grasp everything he had said.

"Also you're single, right ?" What ?

"How'd you know ?"

"I won't say 'perfect woman' without doing any research."

"oh" was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Ava." He called me softly.

"Take your time, think over it and tell me whatever your decision is. However, I hope it's affirmative and about the project we can sign the deal after your answer." My head shot up immediately. I looked straight in his eyes. Did he just threaten me here ? God what's happening ? I just nodded and left.

I didn't know what to do, and only two can help me right now.

Brothers, help me....

Back at the office

"Just decline his offer." Reecie spoke.

"I agree with Reece." Ethy added.

"And I can't deny without a valid reason, he indirectly threatened me to cancel the deal."

"Reason ? It's an arranged marriage, sis." Ethy replied stressing on the word 'arranged marriage'.

I huffed and got up from my seat.

"So what ? I haven't ever been in love, I just can't sit here and wait for a prince charming and crush the only chance of fulfilling my parent's dream. And...and ...and it's not like he is asking me to do anything wrong like murdering someone or marrying an old bald man." I worded trying to convince myself more than them. They both sighed.

Walking towards me they embraced me in their arms tightly. There was a comfortable silence around us.

"Well, he is hot." Ethy said out of the blue making both Reecie and I laugh.

This is what I was talking about, they can make me laugh even in the worst times.


She made her decision ..
What do you think , her journey is gonna be like ?

Life can bring whatever challenges in her life, she knows, she has her brothers to rely on.

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