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Amalia's pov:
After I have cooled back down a little, I start to dial my baby sisters number. To my irritation the call immediately went to the voicemail. Strange, Bella never shuts her phone down. Trying once again, but like before the call went strait to the voice mail. Hmm, what is going on. Trying to concentrate on my sister I see her coming back home from Italy. Charlie looks pretty frantic, he takes her phone and tells her that she is grounded. Well, guess that explains her not answering my call.
So instead I call Edward, pretty sure he would be staying with her for the time being. As expected he answers the call right away.
„Amalia! Please tell me you are alright! Your sister is worried sick!" he rattles off right away.
„I am fine, you don't need to worry. I just tried to call bella to ask her what was going on and if she got back alright. So I looked at what was going on, and have seen Charlie taking her phone, that's why I called you instead." I answer him. Knowing that he would want to get some answers from me.
„Bella has finally fallen asleep, but if you want to I can wake her up again." he says a bit unsure if he really should wake up his sleeping mate.
„Don't. She needs her sleep. But please don't leave her again, she wouldn't survive that again." I tell him, not wanting to worry bella more than necessary but also needing to make sure Edward knows to not be so foolish again!
„I won't! You have my word!" he promises. Sighing in relief, at least my sister is going to have a happy life from now on.
„You can ask me what you want to know." I say. Giving him the chance to get at least a few answers.
„Jane and Alec, they are your mates. But you knew that already. I am guessing they were the reason that you hated Italy that much." he starts to say.
„That's correct." I say. Not liking the images that start to reappear in my head.
„You soothed your sister with a touch and send Alice and me a message before we left. How is that possible?" he goes on in question.
„I honestly don't know how, I only know that I can do those things. I also can shield my thoughts and teleport myself or objects. And like Alice I can see thinks." I tell him softly. Feeling a bit uneasy from talking about my abilities but I guess he needs to know.
„That's amazing!" he says shocked but honestly none the less.
„I know that with them being your mates that no one is going to hurt you there. Still be careful. You are really powerful that may gets you targeted. Please be careful!" he says softly. And I knew what he means, that's the reason I never told anyone what I am capable off.
„There is another thing." I mumble slightly wanting to be completely honest with him.
„Ok?" he says.
„I can manipulate water, fire, earth and air." I tell him in a whisper. The shocked indrawn breath makes me chuckle.
„What i thought the teleporting would be more special." I tell him. His deep chuckle was heard and I instantly relax at that.
„Be careful! And tell your mates! They should know and also protect you to their best abilities! Otherwise they get to know the whole cullan clan a bit better!" he tells me. Surprised that he would even care so much, we never had much to do with one another. Yes they where the only ones that where somewhat nice to me even though of how shut down I were. But I also think it has something to do with Bella being my sister.
„Will do, thank you Eddy. Please make sure bella stays safe. And please tell her that I called and that I love her." I say before ending the call all together. I guess eddy is right, I really should tell my mates the whole truth. But what if they once again want to get reed of me again afterwards? Maybe I should take the risk, only one way to find out anyway. Taking a few calming breaths before thinking myself into Janes arms and when I open my eyes again, said vampire is holding me softly.
well hello princess!" she says with love shining in her eyes.
„Hey! I didn't know where you were so I just thought myself to you." I mumble a bit embarrassed at her and Alec's soft stare.
„Magnificent!! What a wonderfully gift you have darling!" aro giddily says from his throne. Marcus and caius also smile at me softly.
„Why don't you talk with your mates sweetheart. They are pretty much smitten with you!" Marcus says and nods at me with a warm smile.
„Thank you Master Marcus! We will be showing our mate around." Alec happily says and without letting me down Jane walks out of the throne room with me in her arms.
„You know i can walk." I say softly but honestly happy to be this close to at least one of my mate. As if Alec realizes that, he takes one of my arms in his.
„Where would you like to go love?" Jane asks me with a happy smile. Taking a deep breath I decide to try my luck and tell my mates what I really am capable to do.
„Can we go somewhere where we can talk without getting overheard or interrupted?" i ask them feeling nervous and frightened that they might leave me again. But if they can't accept me the way I am then so be it.
„Princess, is everything ok with you?" Alec asks me afraid something might be wrong.
„I would like to tell you something." I say.
Want to show you my gifts. I add into their head. Their shocked indrawn breath makes me only look downwards. A soft finger under my chin makes me look right into Alec's soft eyes.
„We will go to my room. It's soundproof and no one will dare come in." he says softly, so I nod at him. With another reassuring smile we go on towards Alec's room.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now