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Amalias pov:
When I open my eyes again, it's to my amazing mates cuddling me.
„Good morning Princess!" Alec says, kissing me softly.
„Good morning Love!" Jane says, kissing me as Well.
„Hey. How comes that I was asleep?" I ask a bit surprised that I indeed slept the whole night.
„We called Carlisle after you fell asleep. He told us not to worry, that it's normal since your body is working 24/7 with you carrying our babies." Jane explains with love shining in her eyes. Sighing in relief that it is normal and not another unexpected thing.
„That's Good. How long did I sleep?" I say, happily cuddling closer into them.
„The whole night, about 7 hours. But that's understandable. You are carrying our twins!" alec says with a wide and proud smile. Guess Edward was right about them being extremely proud that they were able to get me pregnant.
„So you really are happy about it? I mean you definitely weren't expecting it." I ask a bit afraid but also with a slight calmness within me. They look shocked, even a little hurt but than they just seem to realize why I am this unsure.
„We Love you with all of our heart!!! And not only that you love us back, no, you even give us this huge present! A present we never thought we will ever receive! You are just absolutely amazing!!!" alec tells me honestly. And I can see it in his eyes that he means it. That it's not just something they say to keep me calm. But that they absolutely mean it. Feeling the tears building up in my eyes. My mates are quick to kiss me and cuddle me some more. Whispering soothing words and repeating over and over again how much they love me and how happy they are that I am carrying their kids.
A soft knock from the door lets my mates growl yet again. I only role my eyes at them, this growling can get pretty irritating. Since they won't let me leave the door I shout out to whoever is out there to come on in! Much to the annoyance of my mates might I add, but I can't make everyone happy or can I!?
„Sweetheart! We just wanted to ask how you are feeling?" dad asks, his brothers, Demetri and Felix also enter the room slowly.
„I am good dad! Thank you all for your concern." I say and hear the shocked indrawn breaths. Dad immediately gets wet tears. Feeling a little sad that he would react like that, I thought he would be happy that I finally call him dad.
„My Baby just called me dad!" he suddenly shouts out happily. Pulling me out of the bed and hugging me tightly. Happy that he is indeed happy and simply was just to shocked at first.
„I am so happy you finally call me dad! You are making me the happiest i ever was!" he whispers so quietly into my ear that no one else in this room would hear it.
„I am happy that you are happy!" I answer him just as quietly. A throat gets cleared from next to us, to my surprise Demetri was the one who looks slightly jealous at us. A smile however widens at his face the second I lift my arms towards him. Now I am cuddling my brother just like I had my dad before
„I am sorry to interrupt darling. But we would like to discuss who will be the ones that will be your protectors throughout the pregnancy, maybe even for longer." aro says after a few seconds. Sitting back down on the bed, my mates right back at my sides.
„What do you mean with protectors? I can look after myself." I ask a bit confused. I thought they were joking yesterday!
„Don't look like that little one! We do have lots of enemies and we would never forgive ourselves if something would happen to you or the two babies!" caius explains. I guess I do understand why they are so adamant on getting me some protectors.
„I can protect her! And I would gladly do so!" Demetri right away says, much to the announce of my mates.
„We are completely capable of protecting our mate!" they growl out dangerously.
„We know that! But we do need to make sure she is protected around the clock! Since the two of you are needed elsewhere as well, we need to make a plan." aro tells them, hoping to calm them down. Since it doesn't seem to work, I softly send them wave after wave of calmness. Aro has right away seen what I was doing, even nodding at me in thanks.
„So, to make that plan. We need to know who you would be comfortable with. For right now, the only ones knowing from the pregnancy are in this room." caius explains once again.
„I would think it would be good to keep it between us than. Since it's pretty uncommon, there might be some against it." I voice my opinion and to my surprise the all agree with me.
„I also do have to say that I trust you all the most here." I add since it's the truth. They all seem pretty happy with my statement since they all are now smiling happily at me.
„That's Good sweetheart! We will make that plan between all of us than." dad says with a nod towards me. Smiling at them all, it really feels nice to have so many people willing to protect me and my babies. Especially since I never had many friends or people I could trust!
„that's alright with me! But I would really like to eat now. I feel completely vanished!" I tell them and I am sure if I still would be able to, I would be blushing like no one ever before! They all chuckle at me but to my surprise and happiness dad pulls out a bloodbag from behind his back.
„I thought since you are drinking for three now you might need some." he says and hands me the bag over.
„Thank you dad! You are the best!" i tell him before staring to drink the blood down. Feeling better right away!
„We might should get a small fridge, stocked with blood bags into your room." aro says with a thoughtful look. Hmm, that seriously sounds like an amazing idea right about now!!
„Well, since we talked about the planning of our little ones protectors, we might should go to the throne room for our work. Today your mates will be staying with you, and this evening we will talk about who will take over tomorrow." caius says, softly kissing my forehead. Soon dad and aro follow his lead before they all walk out along with Demetri and Felix.
„So, what will we do today?" I ask my mates with interest. I mean if we do spend the whole day together we might as well do something fun!

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now