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Amalias pov:
I now am three and a half months pregnant and I never felt so great in my entire life!! Bella has been changed a few weeks ago and let me tell you she looks absolutely beautiful!! Her shield has become also more powerful and she now can shield even up to ten people with it!! Since my mates as well as dad and my uncles wouldn't allow me to get to Forks I instead made them come to Volterra for the change. I mean she is my sister, so of course I wanted to be there for her. To my surprise everyone was completely fine that they had to fly to Italy for her change. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that Carlisle flys here every two weeks anyway. So that's why they thought they all could visit me and also be there for Bella! A win win situation I think! We all had a really fun week and aro also asked Edward to please read the covens mind after he announced my pregnancy. To all our relief everyone was happy for my mates and me. Some were jealous but that was expected one was giving me weird looks but since I never was alone anyway I didn't give it to much thought.
When they needed to leave once again I was really sad but I understood! And I also know that they all will come to live with us for the end of my pregnancy!!! So, yeah!!
When my phone rings I am a bit confused since it's Carlisle. He normally only calls to fixate a date for his next checkups. So why is he calling now?
„Hey Carlisle! Is everything alright?" I ask feeling an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Demetri Who was with me this day for my protection quickly looks towards me with a worried frown.
„Sorry to call you, but it's urgent and i can't get a hold of aro or the others. Could you please find them and tell them to call me right away!?" he asks and i hear the panic that he try's to hide in his voice.
„Of Course! I will go to them right away!" I say feeling my own panic rising. The line went dead, Demetri quickly picks me up to carry me to the throne room. It seems like he has seen my shaking hands and knees and decided it would be way quicker and safer to carry me. The door gets thrown open right as we turn the last corner.
„Ah!! Sweetheart I was just about to look how you are doing! Are you feeling alright? Why is Demetri carrying you?" dad says happily before his worry takes over. Just as he ends his question his two brothers as well as my mates along with Felix cane running at us as well.
„Princess? What is going on?" alec asks me and softly takes me out of demetris arms. Jane right next to him, she softly starts to caress my back since I still am panicking.
„You need to call Carlisle!! Right away!!" I tell my dad and his brother. They look confused before realization seems to come over their faces. Aro right away pulls out his phone and curses loudly!
„He tried to call already twenty times!" he says to the others, the phone already pressed to his ear.
„Aro! Alice just had a Vision! We are going to get ambushed in three days from an army of new Borns!" Carlisle tells him sounding pretty hectic. My bad feeling seems to get more and more. Oh my god I need to go there and help!!!
„An Army!? Do you know Who is turning them?" aro asked sounding angry that someone would dare do something like this!
„Victoria." i whisper out and I know that if I would still be a human I would of fainted if the last memory of her. The last time she tried to kill Bella and me since I was the one standing in between her and her target. She was furious when I was able to distract her till the cullans came to help. Seconds before she left she told me that she will kill me since I as a lowlife human had no right to interfere with her plans. She promised me that she will find me and kill me. Shuddering at the realization that she is now going after them since she couldn't get her hands on me. Since they still are discussing how many newborns there might be along with Victoria, no one of them realized me slowly walking away. I just can't sit back and let others fight if I am the reason this whole thing is happening!! What should I do? I know that neither my mates nor Dad along with his brothers would allow me to help. But I have to! Softly I shut the door behind me and let myself fall down on the floor to think what I should do. If I weren't pregnant I wouldn't even think about it! I would just teleport myself there and I would fight without a second thought. But I am pregnant, and I can't put my babies at risk either. Why is this all happening now? Couldn't it be in a few months? Than i could help without me worrying about my little ones. A knock on the door let's me look up, but I still don't move away from the door. I need to think! Need to figure out what I should do!?
„Monkey, please let me in. The others might overlooked you walking off but not me. So please let me in and let us talk." he softly says.
„I promise I won't talk you out of anything, but I would feel better if you at least wouldn't do it on your own." he adds after I stayed quiet. Knowing he wouldn't say those things if he wouldn't mean it. So after nodding to myself, I slowly get off of the floor and open the door a little bit.
„Come here." he says and pulls me into his wide chest. Feeling better right away, feeling safe in his tight embrace and slowly I calm down a little.
„You were saying a name back there, so I am guessing you know who is behind this planned attack?" he asks me and softly stirs me to my bed.
„Victoria. Edward has killed her mate James because he tried to kill Bella and me. Victoria swore revenge, especially to me since I distracted them till the cullans could figure out where we are and arrived there to safe us. That's why she makes me responsible for his death, I might not was the one killing him but I got him killed. She told me that she will find and kill me. She swore she would. And now she is going after my sister and the cullans only because she can't get her hands on me." I inform him with a sigh.
„And now you don't know what to do." he says matter of factly. Nodding at him in answer.
„If I wouldn't be pregnant than I wouldn't even think about it. But I can't risk their lives but I neither can risk the live of my sister, my mum and the others!" I say really frustrated. Furious knocking is heard, followed by loud curses and only a second longer the door gets crashed. With wide eyes I look at my mates followed by dad and my uncles.
„You do realize that you could of just opened the door. Right?" I ask them irritated.
„We thought you left with your brother to join their fight! Carlisle told us what had happened and that we need to make sure to keep an eye on you since he knows that you wouldn't sit that one out." alec says and pulls me into his arms. He nods at Demetri in thanks for keeping me company.
„Next Time please inform us when you see our mate walk off. We were really worried." Jane says but softly as if she knows that it was best that he talked with me on his own before everyone else followed.
„Just tell me what you decide on." Demetri tells me in a whisper before letting the others closer towards me.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now