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Amalias pov:
I was so happy watching my mates holding my babies, dad and everyone else doting around them with wide smiles on their lips.
„Here. You should drink some blood, it will help with your healing." Carlisle softly says while holding some blood bags towards me.
„Thank you! And thank you so much for helping me getting them out of my stomach." I tell him softly and really tired still. He doesn't reply to my thankfulness, only leans over and kisses my forehead with a smile on his lips.
„Have you guys already picked out names?" caius questions while caressing my baby girls cheek. Esme had already picked out some diapers and some clothing so the two little ones aren't naked anymore. Even though I would of laughed if they would of peed on anyone, well as long as it wouldn't of been me! I take one of the blood bags Carlisle has given me and quickly drink it up. When I feel a little better and stronger again I realize that I must of drunk all three bags he had provided me with.
„Shall I get you another one?" jasper softly asks me from my side. It's nice of him to ask, but I feel better already.
„No thank you jasper. But thank you for asking. I appreciate it." I answer him and get a wide smile from him. It's nice to have them all around me, especially now so shortly of an attack and the birth of my little ones.
„So the names?" caius asks again, this time looking at me. Sighing a little.
„we haven't picked any just yet, since we didn't know the genders." I answer him and he quickly nods in understanding.
„Can I hold my babies now?" I question feeling empty now that they aren't in me any longer. My wonderful mates quickly lay them softly on my chest again. Now finally sitting back up and leaning on the headboard of the bed.
„Mommy loves you two very very much!" I tell them and kiss their little heads. They look and smell so lovely! I swear I am in absolute bliss with my little ones in my arms. Taking a deep breath, so I would remember their smell, feeling better to know now no one will be able to hide or steal them from me. A little squeal lets me once again look at my babies in my arm. They both were happily playing with my volturi necklace. They keep on squealing in joy when the necklace is moving around a little. It seems like they try to catch said necklace in their chubby hands. Both of them grasp towards it only for it to move further up a little so they can't get it. I feel a small pull forward, to my shock the little ones hold out their arm towards the necklace. Because of the pull forward I leaned their way and they finally can grab it. Once again they happily squeal that they finally got it. I softly open it up to hand it towards them with a giggle myself.
„Guess you two aren't as vulnerable as you look like!" I tell them with another giggle. A cough lets me look up at the full room. Uups, I totally forgot about them all!
„What just happend Sweetheart?" marcus questions with curiosity and a proud glint in his eyes that hasn't gone away ever since I showed him my babies.
„They used a gift on me so I would lean forward since those two are mildly obsessed with the necklace." I explain to him and everyone around us.
„That's just incredible!!! How wonderful!!" aro says, clapping his hands in complete delight. Aro and Jane Walk over towards the bed right away. Talking to our babies how proud they are of them and how much they love them. Feeling so overwhelmed from all of what had happened. At first I was petrified of the fight they all had to go to, then the shock of getting in labor only for Victoria to appear in front of me. I was so unbelievable afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold her suspended for as long as it takes my mates to come back. But of course my whole family came to my rescue. The panic I felt when I realized that I had not enough energy to give birth to my wonderful babies. Only for Carlisle to take over and to get them both out of my stomach and into this life. All those feelings I felt are slowly choking me up, making me feel as if I am getting chocked up. When I started to see black spots in front of my eyes, everything suddenly stops. I feel two little hands on my cheeks and see what is going on. Calmness washes over me wave after wave? When I feel normal again I look at my two little ones with wide eyes before cuddling them into me tighter.
„Are you ok darling?" esme asks me with an unsure expression.
„Did you just calmed me down or did my babies do it?" I question jasper who was watching from the doorway with a smile on his lips.
„I didn't do it. But I could see their aura change to a bright red before you calmed back again." he explains with a huge smile.
„You two are the best! Thank you so much for calming mummy back down. Love you tons!" i say to my babies before kissing their faces which of course makes them squeal and giggle yet again.
„You guys made wonderful and really powerful babies!! But they certainly are the cutest I have ever seen before!" caius says with a wide smile. The cullans look at him a bit strange, guess they haven't seen much of this loving caius till now. Shrugging at my own thoughts, it doesn't matter anyway. As long as they all get along great I don't care what else they are up to! When my mates sat themselves next to me, they smile at our little ones before kissing my cheeks and leaning their heads on my shoulder. A white sheen suddenly goes around my mates, babies and me. And just like that, my eyes fall shut in exhaustion. Hmm, interesting, i thought vampires can't sleep, but right now I am way too exhausted to think this through!

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