ii. fireflies

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creaking wooden boat

gliding through

muddied eddies

briny air bristled reeds

a silver smear on

dark marsh waters

sweeping willows

alight with

pinprick lanterns

soft brass lights

a whisper of wind

glowing scattering

flitting towards me

curling in my palm

and i remember

something you

used to do

so i do it

cradling the

glowing jewel

close to my face


i'm sorry

releasing it

fluttering away

another lands

on the creases

of my palm

i'm sorry

and another

i'm sorry

i'm sorry

i'm sorry

i'm sorry

i'm sorry for everything

for those pointless fights

for those betrayals

for you breaking my heart

and me shattering yours

i wish

i could come up

to you for forgiveness

and you'd ask

for mine

but i can't

take back some things

better to

forgive and forget

and hope

you forgive me too

lights dimming

wolves howling

moon descending

my last glowing firefly

i'm sorry

things didn't work out that way

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