iii. coasts

31 8 6

late autumn spray

mists my damp jeans

still wet from that

november storm

we're slowly walking on

salt-stained wooden piers

awash in dim cobalts

of seaborne dawns

but when the sky

glows deep crimson

and skittering clouds sail

like coraline swans

soaring through dark skies

and the way that

this fiery sunrise

sparks his caffeine words

filling the sparkling air

with wild theories and

impossible fantasies

makes me want to

pull him away 

to run away with me

let's get away from here

run across these boardwalks

our chilly breaths mingling

in the amber daylight

run through meadows

speckled with tawny stones

and magenta sea thrifts

nothing but us two

bathed in tangerine lights

let's get away from here

run across boulder bluffs

seaside gales ruffling

our tangled hair

run through frothing waves

shimmering turquoise

bubbling seafoam

splashing our legs

as we gaze at western horizons

let's get away from here

run away from the heartbreak

from the shattered dreams

just disappear into groves

of towering sequoia trees

run to coastal towns

and ocean boulevards

put your hands on my heart

watch my past hurt

fly away to distant lands

like flocks of geese

soaring on southern winds

but i don't grab his hand

keeping these thoughts

to myself 'cause

even though i want to

running away from pain

makes heartbreak worse

turning shimmering fantasies

into tarry nightmares

so with a deep breath

i choose to stay

saving these dreams

for better times when

i'm running towards them

instead of running away

and i stand next to him

in this chilly morning

the sun ascending

filling coastal air with gold

and a tinge of amber hope

Ocean SpiritUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum