iv. what a world

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the summery dusk glow

paints the ochre monuments

a dazzling tangerine pink

leaving my fingers paralyzed

in the middle of a photo

swirls of warmth around me

and under my breath i gasp

what a world we live in

boiling prismatic calderas

a glistening vibrancy

mists of mellow steam cover me

on wooden boardwalks

i just want to paint the sky with

these rainbow shimmerings

and with my hands i draw out

what a world we live in

sitting under soaring pines

the lake water dabbing my toes

sunshine streaming over

viridescent spring meadows

skipping over slick stones

as i stand under the waterfall mist

and over the roar i shout

what a world we live in

upstretched joshua trees

spiny crowns glistening in sunsets

scrubby cactus gardens

blossoming in the twilight

as stars blanket the nightscape

my spirit rises amongst flitting bats

dancing around skittering moths i think

what a world we live in

picking up ancient plastic bags

uncovered by the waves

as wind turbines adorn hills

and solar panels glisten bright

the impending crisis fading away

as the world built back better

so that many futures can sing

what a world we live in 

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