iv. ocean fireflies

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swash bathing our toes

with a luminescent glow

as waves crash bright teal

illuminating the soft midnight

turquoise foam clinging to us

wisps of starlight in our hair

i remember that day with you

in that redwood lined beach

with twists of seascaped driftwood

and faded murals of horizons

the golden rays stretching beyond

that painting and shining over us

'cause you heard in the news

that there might be seaglows

and we slipped on sandals

to rush to that seaside town

sea brine stinging my eyes

'cause we were driving so fast

only to discover those elusive

ocean fireflies had faded away

i tell him i'll be back soon

as i walk in the soft sand

towards my dusted car to grab

a jar of memories of the past

even holding it up in starlight

i can feel the rush that once was

little sea glass jewels glowing

all the beautiful colors of before

but it's not the disappointment

that i remember about that day

it's you running down the beach

carving footprints for me behind

a teasing smile on your face

our spirits soaring like skyscraping kites

as the sun sank underwater

you holding me california warm

on the chilly evening piers

weaving the magic of dusk

into the wisps of sunlit oceans

'cause the sky burst with auroras

and whales breached glowing jade

and those flickering ribbons wrapped

us with the promise of possibilities

as we waltzed amongst the starscapes

the fluorescent glimmers in my mind

too real to be true

holding the jar upside down

the seaglass tumbles out

glints of topaz and olivine

clinking with exhales of

those old summer nights as

the golden sands bury the glass

ocean fireflies gathering around them

making them glow with sparks

of an old love one last time

as i let the spirit of the ocean

wash those glittering gems away

guiding them towards new horizons

and warm palms filled with love

he holds me tight as tears

just spill down my warm cheeks

as those fallen stars swirl around us

rising until our bodies are soaked

by sea spray and star lanterns

glowing turquoise i finally let go

let ocean fireflies carry my burdens

i'm feeling the radiance

caught between our fingertips

the stars singing our names

rocky tidepools glowing with life

as horizons expand and expand until

we can both step into the orange

rimming the very edge of the sea

diving into a new future

and letting the ghost of you twinkle

with the fading light of

the ocean fireflies

Ocean SpiritHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin