Week 12:

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I have been on my own for a couple of weeks now. I still ask so many questions, so sometimes it doesn't feel as different as having a preceptor (lol) but I'm getting there! I really like the unit I'm on and my coworkers are all so nice. Sometimes I have trouble delegating tasks to SNAs because I feel weird asking grown adults to do things for me. I usually keep to myself and would prefer to work on my own...though, I realize teamwork is a large part of nursing. I need to get better at communicating with them!

I have made a couple mistakes...like I forgot to ask someone if they had breastmilk in the freezer so they ended up having to come back (my bad...) but at least nothing more serious has happened (knock on wood omg!!) I have seen a good amount of codes and rapid responses since I've been here. It's really scary. With covid though, I'm not allowed to participate in any codes or rapid responses as part of the new policy, since the n95 mask is too big for my face. 

Yesterday, I actually got offered a new position within the hospital. Apparently they are trialling a new unit with advanced equipment and technology. They said because of COVID, they are not allowed to externally hire. Therefore. they are asking people who have recently been hired if they would like to join.

It certainly sounds like an interesting opportunity. I really like the floor I'm on though, as it's pretty complex and the acuity can be very high. Idk if I should switch into something less acute than I'm doing now? Would it even be worth it ?? The HR person said I could take the weekend to decide. It's a huge decision to make that fast. 

TBH, until I reach my official 3 month date, I will be a little on edge. There is that policy where they can fire you, for essentially no reason, until your 3 month mark. If I am still here by then I will feel a little more sense of peace with job security. Maybe I shouldn't even be worrying about that since they literally offered me another position if I really wanted an out from my current floor...it's all hard to decide.

I guess when I write again I'll know the decision I'll made! You will too I guess lmao



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