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Flight 37AG To America's Gotham is Now Taking off

Announced on the speakers was the last thing i heard before going onto the plane that would be taking us to the most crime stricken city in the world, can't wait, Once we are all in our seats the planes starts to take off. I look around me, i am sitting in a window seat and next to me is Chloe then behind me is Alix and Zola and in front of me is Zara sitting next to....ugh ADRIEN, Great now he is gonna lecture me about not taking the high road and how this is all my fault and this wouldn't have happened if i took the high road, god he really is annoying, mean, rude, careless, arrogant, Spineless, i could go on all day. it wasn't long before i fell asleep laying my head against Chloe's shoulder.

I woke up to a searing pain in my arm, it felt like my skin was burning from the inside out making me grit my teeth in pain and when i tried to look at my arm it hurt even more, so here i am trying not to move so i wont be in pain looking out the window into the sky and it makes me so badly want to take out my sketch book and draw so many designs but i couldn't but i was getting bored so i tried to fall back asleep and as soon as i closed my eyes i got dragged back into the black abyss called sleep. I woke up again by Chloe shaking me awake "-RINETTE oh good your awake" Alix said and it was then that i saw we were some of the last people on the plane "Oh no, were going to be late" i was freaking out "no duh, now lets go" they were the wise words of Zara, as i got up we all ran out of the plane and over to the bag belt thing ( i don't know what there called) when we all got our bags off of the belt thing, thats when i heard our teacher shouting in french at someone so i wonder where they are? note the sarcasm here

 "guys we need to hurry up the teacher is yelling at someone in french and me and Adrien are the only ones that know english and knowing him he won't do anything" by the looks on their faces i can tell that they were panicking "You go we will bring your suitcases over ok?" Zola says as she looks at everyone, i give them a grateful look and run off  "Madame Bustier what's going on here!?" i shout over her yelling and when she hears me she turns to me "THIS PERSON ISN'T TELLING US WHAT HOTEL WE ARE STAYING AT OR WHERE WE ARE STAYING" she shouts but all i do is a deep breath " Madame Bustier she doesn't speak french if she isn't answering you" i say in a calm voice and her face becomes as red as a tomato "Madame do you know where we will be staying and sorry about my teacher she doesn't speak english" i say in english as i face the poor girl that looks so confused but then gives me a grateful look, i smile at her and she returns it.

"are you the class that won the WE competition? i nod "oh ok then you will be staying at the Private Cove Resort owned by WE, your bus should be here any second" i smile at her "thanks" i say then i turn to the confusion of all my classmates and even teacher well except Adrien even my friends are confused "we are staying at the private cove resort owned by WE and our bus should be here soon so we should go wait outside" i say switching back to french "Why should we believe you" she shrieked , but then my frown turns into a smirk as i look Adrien in the eyes "Ask Adrien he can speak english so he could have helped you before not me" and with that i left Nino and almost everyone yelling at him for not helping as i just walked over to my friends "What happened on the plane Mari?" Zara asked i froze do i tell them or not, i sigh i turn over my wrist to see a demon tattoo on it, i yelp it went past everyone as they were still yelling at a tired Adrien but it didn't go past my friends because after i yelped Chloe yanked my hand which in turn yanked the rest of my body in her direction then gasped before letting out a little squeal which i shut down as soon as it came out. 

"look i know what it is, and what do you think it means by a demon?" they all had confused looks on their faces, "What demon Marinette?" That caused everyone to look at me, i sighed " it doesn't matter lets just go outside to the bus" i say as i start heading toward the door "not so fast Maritrash" Lila smirks as she grabs my hand digging her claws into my hand causing me to wince in pain, She fake gasps as she sees my tattoo on my wrist "Y-You have the mark of the d-devil" she fake stutters and i can see the smirk in her eyes "whats that?" Rose asks, then she spins some story of how the devil chooses a girl every millennium and that it's common knowledge, so guess what? now they hate me even more then they did and not even a day into the trip, "we need to hurry up if we want to make it to the hotel on time" i just turn and walk out the door not caring to look back to see if they are coming.

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