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"Were helping Damian get Titus back someone took him" the room instantly turned sour

They all knew i cared for Titus greatly and last time he went missing i didnt come out of my room until he was found even for food and he was just lost not taken

They nodded and Grayson grabbed the car keys and we made our way to Grayson's Blue Sports car

Once everyone got in he started he way towards the park


Marinette's P.o.v

I was still thinking about that strange encounter when Chloe, Alix and Zara came running over to me

"Mari! Lila's got your....." Chole shouted but they slowed down when they saw Ivy sitting next to me

"Whats wrong!?" I questioned quickly getting up and running over to them

"Lila has a dog that looks like Ivy and she and her group of sheep are crowding around it and yelling things at it and even some are throwing rocks at the poor dog!" I was angry but then my mind wondered back to the encounter from earlier

I started running towards the area where they were coming from and what i saw made me mad and i mean mad

The dog was on the ground while everyone was throwing rocks at it but Zola was sheltered the dog with her body and she was getting hit with the rocks more then the dog

I stalked towards the group, my jaw was clenched from anger and i was seething

I walked inside the circle and grabbed a rock and threw it with perfect aim at Lila's forehead and everyone stopped throwing rocks and started running over to the crying Lila

I grabbed a couple more rocks and hit people in the forehead with them sometimes leaving a little blood

Every sheep was looking at me fearfully and when i picked up another rock which was bigger then all the others they ran off in fear some dragging away Lila

I looked towards the dog and saw the lead was choking the poor thing so i started to cut the lead off with a sharp rock

Once i had done that the dog sprung upward and started sniffing the air but when it tried to walk it limped

"Wait....are you a male dog or female dog?" I asked, i was confused

"Thats *giggle* what you *laugh* think first!" Zara spat out between laughs

"Haha laugh all you want but i dont want to keep calling the dog an 'it' so please keep calling the dog an it while i check the gender" that shut her up

I walked over to the dog and checked its gender quickly

"He is a male" i stated and out of the corner of my eye i see Ivy coming up to the dog

"Looks like someone has a crush~" Zara and Zola sang together in a taunting voice

"Really? She probably just wants a friend" i deadpan and they snicker

"Sure~" Zara taunts and i groan, there is no way out

"Okay lets talk about how we find the owner"

"I know what he looks like!" I chime in and thry stare at me with questionable expressions

"Ok then what does he look like?" Zara asked skeptically

"He has black hair and toxic green eyes also he is around our age" they nodded

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