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I was shocked, they didn't know what a guardian was, how could they not know what a guardian was! And i thought Tikki said.....TIKKI

"Excuse me one sec" i say facing the kwamii

"Tikki come out here for a sec, wait actually everyone come out for a sec" i called and soon the room filled with kwamii

"Mari-" Tikki stopped and stared at the new comers before flying over to them and tackling? Them in a sort of hug

I looked back to see the others had tears in their eyes while us humans were getting more confused by the second

"Okay what is going on! How do you know each other? How are they not with me and the box also why DID MY PARENTS GIVE YOU ME" i raised ny voice at the last part and they flinched before the new kwamii looked at me

"We have been in your family for generations but it seems you already have a Kwamii so this will be easier to explain" Owl spoke as she pulled away from Tikki, the rest of the Kwamis were already greeting Owl and Calli

"We were created just before the attack of the temple but something went wrong and we grew stronger, stronger then even the black cat and the ladybug miraculous" Callie squeaked and she had a almost fear in her eyes, i was shocked. I thought Tikki and Plagg were the strongest

"once they realized that we were getting too powerful they bonded our souls so only people with bonded souls were able to wear us for a long period of time" Owl seemed to quiver in fear and her small body shook

"Because no one had a bonded soul they would trap us in our miraculous or we ordered to let them wear the miraculous and no matter how much we warned them they never listened and they....they" Callie couldn't seem to finish and Owl started to pat Callie on her shoulder

"They died from the curse, of course the mortals blamed it on a genetic disease that killed everyone in your family as they eventually all fell to greed but one" they seemed proud by the end and my mind clicked

"My mum? She didn't give into the greed did she?" They looked at me with small smiles and shook their heads

"Dad?" They nodded and i realized something

"But my grandparents are still alive" that was confusing

"He didn't wear the jewelry and your grandfather kept them a secret to give to your father on his sixteenth birthday like the tradition says" i nodded, he seemed to traditional to wear jewelry or to give to grandma

"Thank you for telling me this but and i think i have the perfect people for you to be with, but we need to save them" they seemed shocked and excited while Chole and Alix instantly knew who we were talking about, it even suited them.

Zola loved Owls and nightine hince why her nickname was NightOwl while Zara's favorite animal was a bluejay, they totally suited them and! They were identical twins so....bonded souls! And incase your wondering Zola dyed her hair a different colour because she wanted to be different from Zara and if she didn't then i don't know if we could even tell them apart.

"Okay whats the plan" Alix asked with a dark edge to her voice that made me shudder on the inside

"Well we need to find them, Alix start tracking their phones and don't start we all know about the trackers" Alix Hmphed and started to track them while Chloe and i burst out laughing the Kwamis not far behind

"Okay, Chloe you need to distract everyone and make sure nobody cones into this room while we are gone, make sure if Catwoman starts to wake up to alert the Kwamis as they will most likely stay out of the box to talk to Owl and Calli" i got nods of approval from everyone

The Demon Spawn and his AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora