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January 2019

Los Angeles


It was now Sunday, and tomorrow the plan was going to flourish, but first I knew that I was going to be interrogated by Faith like she always did when I met new people.

With that in mind, I stay in bed a little bit longer... just so that I don't have to deal with her right away.

But like always, she decides that 5 minutes is long enough and she storms right in - without knocking - and starts jumping on my bed to 'wake me up'.

"Leave me alone, Faith."- I complain.

It seems like I complain about things every day.

"No! You need to tell me everything! Do you know how BORING the office has been without you?" - She exclaims trying to make me feel guilty like she always did. "I mean! The boss just gives me normal ass cases that are done in less than a day."- She keeps going finally sitting down on the bed.

At this point, I was sitting up against the headboard listening to her life. Cherishing these moments until I knew that she was going to question me as if I was a suspect in a new case.

And let me tell you, she is the bad cop in the 'good cop- bad cop' and she is really mean and persuasive if she wants to be... Well... with me, she is always persuasive.

"So... are you going to spill the tea, now?"- Faith goes back to the original topic.

"Can I eat breakfast first?"- I question rolling my eyes at her.

I get up from my eyes quickly realizing that I'm lacking in Iron and having a hypoglycemic attack at the same time, so before this gets worse I practically run to the kitchen to eat something and a pear.

"You can't run away from me!"- I hear Faith scream from upstairs.

When she gets to the kitchen, she understands why I had to run.

"Sorry"- I apologize.

"Why didn't you eat dinner yesterday?"- She asks right away.

This only happens in the morning if I haven't eaten before going to bed which has happened quite regularly recently, mainly because I haven't been working on this case non-stop and I simply forget to eat.

"I forgot."- I answer shrugging.

"You can't solve this case if you end up dying."- Faith remarks.

"Ah ah. You are so funny"

"What has been going on.?"

"That's the thing... Nothing..."

"What do you mean?

"Everything is working... None of the computers have the virus... Nobody seems suspicious... Most people are really nice..."

"And the ones that aren't?"

"They are just perverts, who enjoy checking girls out..."- I expose shaking my head remembering the looks that Clare gets.

"Do you want any help with the case?"- Faith asks after my body relaxes.

"Probably, but later... I have to organize everything first"- I explain after swallowing a piece of bread.

Faith joins me at the table with her own breakfast, luckily she forgot about her interrogation, at least for now.

As soon as I finish eating, I go to our study, where we work if we have to; and start going through every person on the company, first, by sex, then I part them by age groups, finalizing it by dividing them by what might be motives.

The includes, the obvious one, money, power, girls, secret projects, fame, a lot more.

Apparently, a lot of employees hate the "big boss" or the company in general which makes no sense on why they were working there and that just brings up more suspicion.

A few hours later, Faith finally comes in and starts her own case while I start searching everybody's internet presence to see if anything stands out; starting with the worst-case; a girl names Jessica Watterson, 23 yo, originally from Washington DC, motive: all of the above. She is literally a huge red flag.

All of her internet profiles are like a regular 16 yo which means, she didn't grow out of her teenage phase of "Show-off girl" which is unusual for a tech type of person.

Next up was a guy called Jack Rugg, 33 yo from Virginia. Motive: Younger guy with a better sex life than him because of the fame. Internet presence: LinkedIn, no social media, a lot of websites but nothing too personal.

When I'm done with the next 3, Faith starts helping me. 20 more people each. Just that takes us about 4 hours, so when we finish, it was already lunchtime.

"Do you want to go out for lunch? I don't want to stay home all day"- I question.

"Yeah, let's go".

We leave the house and decide to go to a diner close by, 5 minutes driving. When we get there, we found only a table free, so I sit down on it and Faith goes order for the both of us.

When she sits down, she manages to remember what she was going to ask me.

"So... Is he hot?"

That's what happens when your friend has no filter.

"Who is?"

"The boss, duh"

"He's alright, not my type."- I try to explain.

"Really? Damn."

"Why are you so interested in my love life?"

"Because you don't have one"- She answers while shrugging.

"Neither do you"

Faith was going to say something but she gets interrupted when the waitress puts our food down in front of us. We both say our thanks and start eating.

"That must be because you have your eyes on somebody else"- She guesses.

I roll my eyes and keep eating, trying to ignore her squeals a few seconds after "my answer".

I just hope it's not him.

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