e i g h t e e n

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June 2019

Los Angeles

Bar close to the courthouse

Today was the last trial and they all got around 10-15 years with a change of probation after 11 years.

To celebrate the end of my case, we all went out to a bar close to the courthouse, even though most of us don't drink.

This family was laughing and dancing and talking, just having a great time.

But then I heard a voice, I was convincing myself to stop hearing.

"Excuse me?"- He says and we all look at him, but he keeps his eyes on me. "Can we talk?"

I look around and Faith nods


I get up from my seat and follow him outside the bar.

"Look, I'm so-"

"Let me say what I have to say first"- He interrupts and I give him permission "I was the one who gave Mr.Russo your name"

"I- Wha-What?"

"I know it's weird... Let me explain"

"You better! I ain't leaving without one!"

"I used to be a cop before switching careers. Your team was so important for my department and what we did, that when he told me that something was up, you were the first person in my mind"- Garrett explained.

"And the box?"- I wonder out loud.

"I was the one who put it there, but I don't know what's inside because it was one of my old colleagues who told me to give it to you"

All I could do at this point was to keep my jaw on the floor. I couldn't think, I couldn't speak, I was in shock.

"Uhm... Okay... I still haven't had time to open it, but I will when I have time. Do you want me to tell you what it is?"

I was pretty sure, the confusion I saw on his face a few months ago was real.

"Really? You would do that?"

"Of course"- I agree laughing. "Do you want to stay with us?"- I ask pointing towards the bar

"Oh no! I have things to do. But thanks"

I nod and we go our separate ways.

So, I guess that makes sense, his behaviour, his attention, everything.

"What did he need?"- Faith questions

"Apparently, he was the one that suggested me to Mr.Russo"

"Uh! How did that happen?"

"He used to be a cop and apparently, our unit is famous around the patrols."

Our night stayed there, we ended up leaving the bar at around 11 pm and went home, where I could sleep a full night without waking up worrying about a new trial.

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