s e v e n t e e n

4 2 0

May 2019

Los Angeles


That day might have been the best but worst day of my life.

Best because they were caught, worst because of how I felt the entire day and I was so surprised about who they were... Like how could they do this? Well... How could SHE do this?

My routine was back, I was back in my office, doing my paperwork and my normal jobs.

Except for today, that I had to go back to that mindset since today was the court day.


"So you are saying that this audio clip was recorded without my clients consent?"- the defence asked as their first question

"Yes."- I answer

"So, you know that this evidence can't be used?"- The attorney questioned.

"Well... In this case, it can. Since I was working undercover with the permission from the boss and my Sargent and the warrant that was ready for me to use whenever I needed"- I explained my situation.

"Was that warrant issued against my client though?"- He asked while pointing to Clare, his client.

"It wasn't in anybody's names, because of the situation. This method is used in every case of a long term undercover case since the officer doesn't have much contact with their commander or Sargent."

"So, this happens a lot?"

"Yes, it was accepted by a lot of judges a couple of years ago"

"Interesting... Officer, how many undercover cases have you done?"

"Objection!"- The prosecutor exclaims "Irrelevant to this case"

"Sustained. Ask another question, attorney"- The judge agrees.

"No further questions, your honour."

"Witness dismissed"

I nod and leave the stand, taking a deep breath. My job here was done, all I could do right now is wait for the decision.

But after this trial, there are more trials for the rest of the people involved, so this entire process is going to take maybe a couple more months.

It took 3 hours for the jury to decide Claire's destiny, they declared her guilty for the motive and the making of the plan.

The sentencing part of the trial was made in the judges quarters.

Where only the prosecutor and the attorney and the plaintiff were allowed in.

Me and my team, including my Sargent, were waiting outside the courthouse, by the stairs.

We were also waiting for a while, walking around the place to fill some time.

"Congrats"- We hear that voice "She's going in for 15 years since she was one of the brains behind it"

When we heard the verdict, we all sighed in relieve for one of them is finally down, only 3 more to go. Those will be happening throughout this month and the next. Which means I will have to testify the exact same thing for those.

"What do you think the other ones will get?"- My Sargent asks

"Probably around the same since they all had some input on it."

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