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Type looked down at his schedule with a frown. Techno who had been next to him peered over, "Ow, you got Kirigun as your professor?"

"Yeah, is he any good?" Type asked, having never heard of the professor until now despite being in his third year. Of course their university was large so it wasn't logical if he knew all the staff members.

"He's the best!" Came an energetic reply. "He just started this year but everyone loves him. Not only is he handsome, and a nice teacher, but his lessons actually make sense!"

Type nodded, impressed. It wasn't as though Techno was stupid but he was a little slow when it came to learning and usually needed extra help to fully understand a lesson.

So if he found a lesson making enough sense without anyone having to explain afterwards, then the teacher and professor must be extremely good at what they're doing.

Type walked into the classroom, looking around to find a spot to sit. Noticing the empty space at the back, he walked over and sat down. The classroom eventually began to fill up and become noisy with the students' chattering. But like how it normally was, it was divided between the humans and non-humans.

"Okay, settle down," came a gentle demand. Type put his phone away, turning his attention to the front of the room. He felt his heart speed up, and his breath hitched at the mere sight of the professor.

Techno hadn't been lying about the teacher being good looking. Type rested his face against the palm of his hand, only to slightly raise his brows when the Professor turned to meet his eyes.

He frowned, trying to ignore the rabid beating of his heart as he changed into a more respectable position; assuming the reason for the gaze was due to his look of boredom that often came off too rude.

Techno had often scolded him for always looking angry or extremely bored while he rested his face, and honestly, there wasn't much he could do. He was naturally born to look the way he did, and it would be creepy of him to constantly smile.

Besides, smiling itself was tiring and he didn't like other people approaching him; human or not.

To him, having Techno as a friend and brother was more than enough to keep him busy. After all, Techno had enough energy to power a whole country and was constantly bringing up topics after topics, never allowing a conversation to die down.

Type could understand why Techno praised the course. Indeed the lesson was easy to understand, and damn, he couldn't get over just how seductive Kirigun's voice sounded. He would enjoy his classes a lot more if more of his professors were like Kirigun, and less like the creep, San.

"You were right," Type said to Techno as they sat on the couch, watching a soccer game. Techno raised his brows, "I am? About what?"

"About Kirigun. He's hot."

"Ow, that's the first time I've heard you call anyone hot," Techno said, looking at his childhood friend-turned-brother in surprise. Type shrugged, "What can I say? His veins turn me on."

Techno choked on the air at Type's lewd comment, turning bright red. "Ai, Type!" he shouted, earning a laugh from the said boy.


Tharn was conflicted. He looked at his boyfriend happily chatting before him as they sat across from each other on a dinner date. He admired the way a beautiful smile graced his face.

He admired the way such innocence and love oozed out. But all the while his mind trailed back to the morning. The morning in which he found his true mate.

After passing the age of twenty-four, he began to feel conflicted about the lack of mate. It was then his current boyfriend walked into his life. The two slowly built up their attraction to one another, and got together despite the warning from their packs.

Most often werewolves only ever got together after their mates were rejected, or they were the ones rejected.

Because if they were to ever develop a relationship with someone before such events occurred, there would certainly be conflicts, and a lot of werewolves would go rogue in the process.

But after being with his boyfriend for three plus years, he had long forgotten about finding his mate, assuming the worst had happened. So he didn't expect to walk in and be hit with a strong sweet scent, and eventually meet gazes with the most beautiful boy he's ever seen.

And he certainly didn't expect it to be none other than a human student of his.

Type, he remembers being the name of his mate. A mate in which he would keep his connection to a secret because it wasn't as though the boy could tell without direct contact anyway.

"-Tharn," his boyfriend called out, concerned about his silence. Tharn snapped out of his thoughts, and offered a tight smile. "Ah, sorry. What were you saying?"

And with that, the two proceeded on with their date. All the while Tharn tried not to let his guilt eat away at him. It would be fine. He could pull through with his current relationship and forget about his true mate.

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