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"Sorry for stopping by like this," Tharn said. Type turned to look at him, scrunching his brows, "Ow, why are you sorry?"

He rubbed the nape of his neck, unable to meet Type's deep and captivating eyes, "I'm sure you feel awkward considering I'm your professor. It's not necessarily appropriate..."

Type nodded in understanding. "Hmm," he hummed, turning to look back at the screen and bringing his legs up for him to hug - his new position making him look much smaller than he actually was. "I don't mind. I'm sure you would've done the same for any other student attacked by hunters. You're just nice that way."

His words made Tharn's throat tightened. He wanted to grab Type by the shoulders and tell him he was different from all the others. Because while he did try to be nice to everyone, he wouldn't go as far as to visit his student's home just to check up on them. He wouldn't risk his job for just anybody.

But he chose to remain silent. Type was human, and therefore he couldn't risk having him pull away from the reality of their relationship were he to tell him now. Because compared to him, Type could pull away from the bond a lot easier as he didn't experience the same feelings as Tharn did. Type couldn't understand what it was like being hit by the sweet and captivating scent of a mate, and he couldn't understand how much stronger the sparks are for a werewolf.

He also wouldn't understand how much more difficult the reality of a one sided rejection was compared to a shared rejection.

True feelings can't have hidden. So even if a wolf were to agree with a rejection, if by the end of the day they feel heartbroken from it, there was a high chance of them turning rogue.

Of course turning rogue didn't necessarily mean they would have no future to change back. Llong, a close friend of his, had gone rogue after the death of his mate. But he changed back into a normal werewolf after the two of them became friends.

It was hell for sure getting the boy to open up and stop being so violent and sharp tongued.

Type turned to look at Tharn when the older man grew quiet. He raised his brow as the sullen look on the professor. Hesitantly, and for an unknown reason, he reached out and gently patted him on the back.

Tharn jolted slightly at the sudden touch, panic swarming through him. He loosened up only when he realized he didn't have to worry about Type feeling the sparks as he didn't directly touch his skin.

As their eyes met, Type pulled away, assuming he had disgusted Tharn due to the way the professor simply gaped at him with an unknown emotion and remained silent as the night.

He silently cursed at himself for forgetting the tension that existed between his kind and the non-humans. Even if Tharn was nice enough to check up on him, it didn't necessarily mean he was comfortable with him being suddenly close to him.

"Sorry," he mumbled, getting up to get himself some medicine. Techno and him had specifically developed a medicine to calm him down and ease away his dark thoughts; just enough so he wouldn't break down and have nightmares like he used to have as a kid.

He didn't know why, but just the thought of Tharn being disgusted by him was enough to make him slowly dwindled back into his shell. And he couldn't risk showing any vulnerable side of himself to his professor. It was too shameful.


Tharn looked at Type's sudden shift in mood in confusion. He could feel something was off, but didn't know what it was. The two of them had simply shared a gaze. Frowning, he got up and followed after him. He marvelled as he entered the kitchen.

He hadn't expected such a tiny looking house to have such a spacious kitchen. All around the room were herbs, both fresh and dried ones; some of which were hanging by the ceiling, others on the counters or in bags. There were magic-infused drawers and cupboards, labeled like the rest of the items around the room.

A rustling sound could be heard, and he peaked over to find Type hunched down, going through one of the lower cupboards. He watched as the younger boy ruffled his hair in a clear annoyance as he slammed it shut, standing up and meeting Tharn's gaze once more.

His eyes widened, and he looked down on the ground in what appeared to be shame. Shifting his feet around nervously, and rubbing the back of his neck as he looked back up, he asked, "Sorry. Did you need something?"

Tharn wanted to ask about his behaviour but simply shook his head. "Are you okay?" He couldn't help asking. "What are you looking for?"

Type looked at him in surprise, as though not expecting such a question... As though no one had ever bothered to see if he was alright.

"I'm fine. I'm just looking for my medicine," he turned away, looking through more storage space once again. His patience began to run thin as he failed to find it in its usual spot. "What does it look like?" Tharn asked, wanting to help as he saw his frustration.

"The medicine itself is blue," Type informed him. "It's labeled with my name and is in a small brown sachet."

Tharn looked around, walking over to the other side of the room. He began to go through all the storage spaces one by one, stopping when he saw something in the corner, underneath the chairs. Bending down and reaching for it, he grinned as it was the medicine.

"Found it!" He cheered, standing up and swinging it between his fingers. Type looked at it, relief washing over him as he walked over and grabbed it.

"Thank you."

As much as he wanted to smile, he couldn't help frowning as he watched Type hands shake as he got out a pill and swallowed it whole without water. Looking around, he tried to find water but Type beat him to it. He sighed, finding himself utterly useless in the presence of the younger boy.

"Did you want to do anything?" Type asked, knowing he would be falling asleep pretty soon due to the side effects of the medicine. Tharn raised his brows at the questions before asking, "Can we watch a movie?"

Type couldn't help the slight smile at his answer, and nodded. "Sure, any movie in mind?"

"...Something romantic?"

Type let out a breathy chuckle at how unsure he was and moved back to the living room. He got out his laptop and attached it to the television, Tharn right next to him.

"You can choose," he said, standing up. "I'm going to get my blanket. Would you like one?"

"No," Tharn laughed, getting an adorable imagery of Type all bundled up in a blanket. "I'm good."

"Alright," Type smiled, going to his room to get a thin blanket. He walked back into the living room and was surprised to see Tharn had already placed himself on the couch with a movie already chosen and waiting to be played.

"That was quick," he said, sitting down and wrapping himself up. Tharn chuckled, holding back the urge to pat his head. As the movie started, Type felt himself slowly lose consciousness, unaware of Tharn who had been watching him fall asleep through the corner of his eyes.

By the time the movie was halfway, the boy had fallen asleep. Reaching out, Tharn brushed strands of hair out of Type's face. Unable to take how adorable he looked, he leaned down and planted a soft kiss.

"Sweet dreams, Type," he mumbled, a sweet smile on his face.

He picked up the sleeping individual and walked to where his scent was the strongest. Walking in, and confirming it was Type's room, he placed him on the bed.

After making sure the pillow and blankets were perfect for him, Tharn walked out and closed the door. He touched his lips that he used to kiss Type's forehead, a fond and excited grin on his face.

Sitting alone in the living room with the movie still playing, Tharn hugged a pillow close to him, wishing for Techno to arrive home so he could leave Type in ease.

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