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Tech_the_no Look at these two cuties! Can't believe it's already their five year anniversary. They grow up so fast 😩😭

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teetine ♥️

sarawat.guntithanon 555

CutieKhom all these lovebirds around me 😩
theBoss @CutieKhom hi

CutieKhom @theBoss why haven't you thrown yourself into the trash yet?

theBoss @CutieKhom I said I was sorry for spilling the dirty water on you!! I didn't know someone was standing below !!

Hana_Teepakorn @Jane_Guntithanon Look at our boys 💕

@Hana_Teepakorn So precious! Do send me this picture @Tech_the_no

Tech_the_no @Jane_Guntithanon 555 Sure thing!

    →Tech_the_no @Jane_Guntithanon 555 Sure thing!

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Tharn.Kirigun Please welcome our new family member - Chopper! After careful discussion, both Type and I have decided it was okay for us to not adopt any children and instead grow our family with this wonderful dog. Of course, this is just a decision made in the present. It does not mean we're completely set on not having any children at all.

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MomKirigun Kids, no kids, it's all fine as long as you two are happy

Tharn.Kirigun @MomKirigun ♥️

Thanya.Kirigun It's all good since P'Thorn is expecting a third child soon anyway. That's more than enough to keep the family busy 55

Tharn.Kirigun @Thanya.Kirigun 555 true


"I love you," Tharn said, wrapping his arm around Type's waist and pecking his cheek. Type rolled his eyes, gently slapping Tharn's arm. "I know," he smiled, turning around to kiss his husband, "You tell me everyday."

Tharn grinned, pulling his mate all the more closer to him, "What can I say? I just love you so-"

Type laughed, slapping his hand over his cheesy husband's mouth. "Okay, okay. I get it. I love you, too."

With a satisfied smirk, he pulled Type's hand away and leaned forward for another kiss. "Type," he said, once he pulled away.

"Hmm?" Type leaned his head against the crook of his mate's neck.

"How about we meet your family?" Tharn asked cautiously. He felt his heart hammer against his chest when Type froze in his arm. He readied himself to apologize in case he made the younger boy upset. But surprisingly, Type looked at him, peering deep into his eyes to check if he was being serious and nodded. "Okay," he agreed, offering a sad smile. "Let's do that."

Tharn let out a sigh of relief and leaned in for another kiss. He was happy to see that Type was now ready to move forward. It took a while to get him to stop having nightmare's and relying on the medicine to help him cope with his feelings. And while that in itself was progress, this was the last step they both knew Type needed the most in order for him to fully heal and forgive himself.

Type took a deep breath. He placed the bouquet down on his mother's grave, and knelt down. Tharn followed his actions after helping place bouquets on Type's father's and siblings' graves.

"Hey, everyone," Type choked out, silently cursing at how he was already on the verge of breaking into tears. Tharn reached out and pulled Type close to him, giving him an encouraging kiss on the cheek.

He smiled at the action, taking another deep breath to continue talking. "I know it's been years since I last visited, and I'm sorry. But I'm here today to tell you that I'll be sure to visit you all from now on. No more running away. I brought my husband with me today as well. His name is Tharn."

Tharn smiled. "Hello," he said gently. "I'm sorry I'm only introducing myself after getting married to Type, but I just want to say thank you for bringing him into this world. I can't imagine anyone more perfect than him as my soulmate. I promise I'll love him and make him happy."

Type felt his eyes tear up at his mate's words. He looked away and gently brushed away the incoming tears, smiling when he felt Tharn reach out and cup his face - gazing at him in worry.

"I'm okay," he reassured, turning back to the graves. He reached out, patting the coldness of his mother's tombstone, "I love you all very much. There's not a single day where I go without missing you four. And I'm sorry my difference made you leave the world so soon. But I don't regret being different, because without it, I wouldn't have the people I have in my life now. I pray you all are doing well in the after life, and whatever life you lead next won't end so soon."

The two of them clasped their hands together and closed their eyes to pray. Reopening them, they met each other's gaze and left the graveyard, hand in hand. As their figures slowly got further, glowing lights stood by the graves.

'I'm sorry, too,' said a gentle voice, through the echoes of the wind. 'Stay happy, Type. We love you.'

Faith Pawattakun had one regret after passing, and it was leaving behind her son. Her precious and loving eldest son, Type Pawattakun. She had done him wrong by not siding with him the way a mother should've when he turned out to be different.

She had done such wrong by leaving him all alone to struggle in a fierce world after she selfishly took herself, her kind husband, and her two wonderful and unknowing children out of the world.

If she were to be given a chance, she would want nothing more than to fix her wrongs. But as she watched her son, all grown up and happily married, she could only smile and apologize once more.

It was clear her son would be okay. He was strong unlike her, after all. So with one last glance, she finally turned to leave once and for all with the rest of her family.

They had stayed behind for far too long already; never straying away from looking over Type. From every struggle, to every happiness - they made sure to always be there to witness his growth. And now it was time for them to move on as Type finally reached the last stage of his healing, and was moving on from the scars they left behind with him.

Her eldest son was surely to be happy next to his fated one ; a werewolf who she once feared, but ended up being the one who loved her son better than she had. Tharn, they smiled, fading completely into the light. He surely was the perfect person to be Type's soulmate.

[ E N D ]

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