Chapter 27

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How are we on Chapter 27 already???

Also can you guys believe this? Someone wrote a song about Ivy and Jackson's story and the gesture literally made me cry!!

They would like to remain anonymous but I'd love for yous to read it and tell us what you think.

They said that it was inspired by the song Say you won't let go by James Arthur and I read it with that music in the back ground.

And it honestly made me so emotional.

We met in circumstances
That were so strange
Fate pulled us together
And I saw you in a different way

Then you helped me in my journey
I never felt so worried
Cause I knew then that I was falling in love

Then You told me that you were bad for me
Then we kissed
Like we weren't hurting

My heart was pounding
Out of my chest

My lips reacted perfectly to yours
My thoughts disappeared
My mind went blank

I wanted a repeat of the other day
When you felt me all over
I wonder what we are now

We were just two broken souls
Tryna find peace within
I hurt you when I left
And you never came to say goodbye

We promised we wouldn't fall again
But I think I can face the pain
Cause u helped me fall in love
With the world again

I want to do the same
For you
Cause your going down this path again
And I feel it's my fault

I want to hold you down
Even on your darkest days
When you don't want me around
Even then I'll stay

Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't or go

How bloody amazing is that?????

Anyway Chapter 27 lol hope yous enjoy:)

"Hey Jackson?" I whisper into the darkness, I knew he was awake his fingers were lightly trailing my side, I don't think he knew I was awake though, his hand freezing when he heard my voice.


"Do you think your parents think it's weird I stayed again tonight?"

Jackson let out a breathy chuckle and instead of taking his hand away his fingers spread and hold me gently against him. We've lying together today, this evening, instead of apart.

Neither of us have mentioned it.

"No they don't mind, if that's what you're asking." He says softly into the darkness and I push his chest slightly so he rolls onto his back and not his side. Jackson lies down and lifts his arm for me to move into so I could rest my head on his shoulder and happily fit between his arm and his side.

"Did they say anything? About me staying?"

"Ivy, they didn't even question it, you honestly could set the house on fire and they'd be like- she can do what she wants."


"They like you. Obviously."

"Oh." I say and lift my hand to hold onto his t-shirt more, fisting the material between my hands.

"Are you ok?" He asks and my head tilts up to meet his eyes and I immediately find myself looking at his lips so I face into him again.

"I'm fine."

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