Chapter 40

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A/N: Hope you's enjoy, remember to vote and comment! 

I was wrapped up in Jackson's arms as he slept, he kept stirring and I thought he was waking up, but nope. He kept falling back asleep, and honestly it was so boring.

As beautiful as this boy is, it's boring watching him sleep.

There's nothing romantic about watching someone sleep, I mean yeah ok, I couldn't help but appreciate his face and his bone structure and the way his eyelashes fanned out across his cheeks, but I was bored, there was nothing to do.

He starts to pull me closer to him and I smile knowing he's waking up.

Thank the lord, I was honestly considering waking him up. And that was just rude.

"You're staring." Jackson mumbles, his eyes fluttering open and I hold back a grin.

"You've been asleep for so so long." I say and he pulls me closer to him and I love how there's no hesitation now.

"What time is it?"

"It's ten, do you remember me messaging my parents? Because apparently I did." I whisper and a half smile forms on his face.

Jackson head falls and I feel his lips against my skin. He nuzzles into the side of my neck placing a soft kiss on my jaw and I cant help but sigh into him.

"You messaged them in the car." He mumbles.

"Oh okay."

"You cant remember?"

"I can now."

"It's always the best thing, waking up to you." He says and I pull his chin up briefest shortest kiss. Despite morning breath, despite everything.

"I like it too." I whisper against his lips and he pulls away, starting to sit up more in bed. He was only in some underwear and I just had his top on covering my body.

"What I said last night, about us just letting this happen, and not thinking too much about it..." Jackson starts, and I go to pull away totally, thinking he was taking back his words.

"Yeah?" My voice is small.

"I meant it. But I didn't consider how that might not be what you want. So there is no pressure here Ives."

Oh. Phew.

"That's what I want too."

"It is?"

"Yeah I promise." I lean up and tap his chin so it points down to me and he smiles against my lips.

It was supposed to be a short, reassuring, 'I want you' kiss but Jackson starts to move his lips slowly against mine and I don't pull away.

Well not until I hear three knocks on his bedroom door.

I pull away and look at him wide eyed.

In what seems like slow motion my eyes take in out appearances.

I was a mess, my hair most definitely did not read an innocent night of cuddling. And well, Jackson literally didn't have any clothes on, the hicky I gave him last night was much more prominent than any other one we've left before.

Because I was trying to keep quiet, remember?

"Jackson hon, you awake?" Charlotte's voice comes from the other side of the room and I panic. I pull the covers up over my head and hide away from a laughing Jackson and a very soon to be in the room Charlotte.

"I'm coming in." She announces and I hear the door crack open.

"Oh. Where is she?" Charlotte say and I freeze.

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