Chapter 41

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I was sat on a blanket with Charlotte and Milo, as I watched Jackson and his Dad kick a ball around with Sophia, they were teaching her.

Milo had climbed into my lap and we were just chatting, and honestly I'm slowly falling in love with this little boy. It was making me emotional, how Jackson had told me once about how much Milo would like me.

But I had never gotten the chance to talk to him then, right now, Charlotte was reading her book next to me and I was playing tic tac toe with Milo.

He had just climbed into my lap and faced me after a little bit of sitting besides me. It was so adorable.

"So you know my mum and my dad and my Jackson and my sister?" Milo says and I nod down at him.

"Why don't you know me?" The little five year old says with such confusion that I almost melt at him.

His hands are connected to mine because he was previously teaching me a little hand rhyme, but now he was just holding my hands.

"I do know you. But okay, tell me all about you?" I ask and he smiles up at me.

"Do you know what my favourite animal is?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No what is it?"

"It's a goat."

I gasp "Oh my goodness, that's my favourite animal too."

"It is?!" He looks so surprised and shocked that I hear Charlotte laugh as well.

"It is indeed. Especially the baby ones."

"Did you know they're called Kid's?" Milo says informatively and I grin down at him.

"No I didn't. Wow you are so smart."

Charlotte laughs at me and I send her a grin, I honestly loved all her children.

"Milo sun cream." Charlotte says and Milo sends me a panicked glance.


"Come here." She says sternly and the little boy climbs off my lap and whinges walking over to her.

"Sophia!" Charlotte calls and beckon's Sophia over to our little spot.

We had eaten ages ago, everyone was now just spending time together I guess, it was about 2 in the afternoon.

Jackson comes back over too, following his little sister and so his dad does also. He sits down next to me and I send him a grin.

"I told you Milo would love you." He whispers and I just shrug.

"You look tired." I say and he nods a little.

"It's just the sun. And watching you here with my family. It makes me relaxed."


"Yep." He pulls my chin towards him and he presses a quick kiss to my cheek. He pulls away and my eyes widen at him, at the fact that he's just done that in front of his parents.

"Ives, I'm pretty sure they know." He says and I turn around to them, Charlotte looks away, back at her husband but I watched them exchange a smile.

"Well they do now." I say and then well, you can see the hicky poke out of his top anyway.

"Well I mean, we are going to be spending a lot of time with each other. I know you don't want our friends to know, and  respect that, but it's not going to work keeping this from our parents as well."

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