Chapter 47

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We are nearing the end my loves- idk how many chapters- like it's deffo going to be more than 50 . 

So we never made it to the beach the next week. I got my period and I've been in despair.

I was being extra dramatic.

But it hurt a lot.

Like the cramps were awful this time and Jackson was just watching me from my desk as I lie miserably in my bed.

"Look, I brought you chocolate, I got you ice cream, I ran you a bath, I got you a hot water bottle.. I have no idea what else to do Ives." Jackson says and his words make me even more grumpy.

He made it sound like a chore.

Now I'm even more sad.

"Ivy why are you frowning even more?" He asks and I raise my eyes to meet his.

It was nearing the end of the week and we had stayed at mine most nights this week due to the fact I felt so ill and even when I said he should go home he always ended up staying.

Which was nice.

"Can I have a hug?" I ask and he laughs.

"Yeah." Jackson moves from my desk and comes and lies down next to me, opening his arms and I roll into them.

My periods aren't usually that bad, but sometimes I'll get a really bad one, it's usually when I complete the three month cycle of the pill. And welp, here we are.

Jackson hugs me to him and he starts chuckling quietly to himself and honestly if he's laughing at me, he really doesn't understand girls or girls on their period.

"Why are you laughing?" I mumble into his chest and his fingers trace my arms gently.

"You are cute."

"I feel horrible and gross." I mutter and full away from him and his cute comment.

This wasn't cute. It was horrific.

Jackson pulls me back to him and my back is pulled against his front and his legs curl under me and actually this hug feels nice, like the pressure is stopping my back aching so much.

"Does it really hurt so much?" He asks and I almost growl.


"Where?" Jackson asks and I pull his hand round to my lower stomach and show him where it hurts.

He presses down gently and it actually almost feels better. "That helps."

"It does?" Jackson asks and I nod smiling when his other arm comes under my neck.

His hand spreads over where I am cramping, and he applies light pressure.

Well turns out having a boy here is actually helpful.

I was almost ready to chuck him out.

"Thanks for the hug." I mumble and I can feel Jackson's amusement.

"What else can I do?" He asks but doesn't lesson pressure or stop hugging me from behind.

"Nothing I feel okay right now." I whisper and look at the clock.

"You're going to fall asleep aren't you?" He laughs.

"I needa nap."

"You are honestly a cat." Jackson compares me and I frown.

"I- I just am tired a lot okay?"

"I know." He chuckles and kisses the back of my neck lightly.

Confessions of a Teenage AlcoholicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant