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The breakfast was horrible. Haya had no idea how did she add so much salt and pepper. But she was embarrassed and ashamed to meet any of the family member's eyes. She felt guilty that because of her none of the family members could eat breakfast, the very important meal of the day.

The family were rather polite as they simply stopped eating and left the dining table. Bano was pissed, she expected a lot more from them. But they just left without uttering a single word. All her efforts of adding salt and pepper went in vain. Nevertheless, she had a hidden smirk and went on and on about how pathetic of a cook Haya was. And how girls from the city don't even know the basics of anything.

"Poor Abrar. He was eating your horrible food for weeks now. I feel sad for him." Bano smirked as she washed her hands on the food and was about to leave.

But Haya has had enough, she should have guessed it right already.

"I never knew you hated me this much." Haya got up from the dining table with a frown. Bano stopped walking and turned to face her.

"What did I ever do to you? Why are you doing all this?" instead of beating around the bush, Haya came straight to the point.

"What did I do?" Bano feigned innocence.

"We both know what I'm talking about. Why do you hate me so much?" Haya looked at her in disbelief.

"Well, then. I'll be honest with you. Anyone in your place would have faced the same treatment from me." Bano replied bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Bano's twisted words weren't exactly understood.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Haya frowned in confusion as she watched Bano leave the dining room. Why did that old lady hate her so much? There must be a valid reason. Haya sworn to find it out sooner and immediately walked to bi jaan's bedroom. Maybe she can help her?

"Yes?" bi jaan asked as she heard someone knocking at her door.

"Can I come in, bi jaan?" Haya asked from outside.

"Haya beta... Why are you asking for my permission? Of course, you can come." bi jaan replied, with a frown. She did not like the fact that Haya is taking permission to come inside her room.

"Bi jaan..." Haya trailed off sadly as she joined her on the bed.

"What happened, dear? Why the long face?" Bi jaan held Haya's chin as she made her face her. Haya still couldn't get herself to face her. After what happened at the dining table, she was rather embarrassed.

"I'm sorry bi jaan, because of me you all couldn't eat breakfast today." Bi jaan surprisingly was laughing at her.

"Silly girl, I know it wasn't your fault. I also know whose fault it really is." Bi jaan's words shook Haya from within.

"You do?" She asked cutely, bi jaan pulled her cheeks as she replied, "yes we do."

"How... I mean why does Chachi hate me?" Haya slightly winced as she pulled away from bi jaan's fingers.

"I know you don't deserve to be kept in the dark, but I cannot disclose it to you now, you can try asking that to Bano instead." Bi jaan replied helplessly making Haya all the more curious.

"But don't worry, I will talk with her. It's high time that she should let go of the past."

Haya surely was confused but decided not to pry on it as she asked, "oh... Can I make something for you now? I promise to be careful this time." Bi jaan smiled at her affectionately. Haya took that as a yes and immediately rushed out of there and started to prepare some quick breakfast.

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